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[英]How can I return before a task completes but keep it running?

I have an Azure Function in which an asynchronous method async Task<IActionResult> MethodA calls async Task MethodB .我有一个 Azure Function ,其中异步方法async Task<IActionResult> MethodA调用async Task MethodB Since MethodB is expected to always take longer than 1 minute, we are required to start MethodB and return 202 Accepted in MethodA before MethodB finishes.由于MethodB预计总是需要超过 1 分钟,因此我们需要在MethodB完成之前启动MethodB并在MethodA中返回 202 Accepted。 Inside MethodB , we keep track of the status by storing the information in a table.MethodB中,我们通过将信息存储在表中来跟踪状态。 If MethodB fails or throws an exception, we catch the exception an update the table accordingly.如果MethodB失败或抛出异常,我们会捕获异常并相应地更新表。 This way, when the client queries the status of the task, it fetches the result from the table.这样,当客户端查询任务的状态时,它会从表中获取结果。 Here is the pseudo-code of what actually happens:这是实际发生的伪代码:

// The starting method.
public static async Task<IActionResult> MethodA(
    [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "start")] HttpRequest request,
    ILogger logger)
    // Somehow start MethodB so that it runs and we can return 202 Accepted before it finishes.
    return new AcceptedResult();

private static async Task MethodB(ILogger logger)
        // Insert row into table with status "running" and do logging.
        // Do stuff that takes longer than 1 minute and do more logging.
    catch(Exception exception) // Very general exception handling for pseudo-code.
        // Update row in table to status "failed" an do some logging.

public static async Task<IActionResult> MethodC(
    [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = "get")] HttpRequest request,
    ILogger logger)
    // Looks for row in table, gets the status, and do logging.
    // Returns 200 Ok if still running or succeeded, otherwise otherwise some failure code.
    // Also returns the exact status in the table to differentiate between running and succeeded.

What are some options to start MethodB so that it still runs after I return 202 Accepted?有哪些启动MethodB的选项,以便在我返回 202 Accepted 后它仍然运行? I saw many things about different solutions, some of which block threads and some don't, so it's all a bit very confusing to me, as I am new to this.我看到了很多关于不同解决方案的东西,其中一些阻塞线程,而另一些则没有,所以这对我来说有点令人困惑,因为我是新手。

Azure functions support durable functions. Azure 函数支持持久函数。 One use case for this as described in the docs is the async HTTP API pattern to start a long running task, return early and support checking on the status from the client later. 文档中描述的一个用例是异步 HTTP API 模式,用于启动长时间运行的任务,提前返回并支持稍后检查客户端的状态。 Depending on the details of your methods A and B you may also want to use this for chaining but it sounds like really you can use a durable function and get rid of A and C altogether because you are trying to implement what they already support.根据您的方法 A 和 B 的详细信息,您可能还希望将其用于链接,但听起来您确实可以使用耐用的 function 并完全摆脱 A 和 C 因为您正在尝试实现它们已经支持的功能。

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