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[英]Group by clause query with derived fields

My table has quantity, sale price and sale date, and I need to derive the sales price and group the sales by month.我的表有数量、销售价格和销售日期,我需要推导出销售价格并按月对销售进行分组。 I used the below but wasn't able to get the group by clause right.我使用了以下内容,但无法正确使用 group by 子句。

    (QUANTITY*SALEPRICE) as sales,
    DATEPART (month, saledate) as MM
from [dbo].[PETSALE]
GROUP BY DATEPART (month, saledate)

You would need an aggregate function in the select clause to make your statement a valid aggregate query.您需要select子句中的聚合 function 使您的语句成为有效的聚合查询。

I would phrase your query as:我会将您的查询表述为:

    sum(quantity * saleprice) as sales,  -- aggregate function
    year(saledate) yyyy,
    month(saledate) mm
from [dbo].[petsale]
group by year(saledate), month(saledate)

Note that I added the sales year to the select and group by clauses: in case your data spreads over more than 12 months, you probably don't want sales from the same month in different years to be grouped together.请注意,我将销售年份添加到selectgroup by子句中:如果您的数据分布超过 12 个月,您可能不希望将不同年份同一月份的销售额组合在一起。 But if you do, you can just remove year(saledate) from the query.但如果你这样做,你可以从查询中删除year(saledate)

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