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uploading.txt 到 FTP 服务器添加新行

[英]uploading .txt to FTP server adds new lines

I'm trying to upload a.txt file to an FTP server using Python and ftplib.我正在尝试使用 Python 和 ftplib 将 a.txt 文件上传到 FTP 服务器。 Connecting works, uploading as well - just a little weird.连接作品,上传作品 - 只是有点奇怪。

My file looks like this:我的文件如下所示:


it is created with simple writes file.write('line1\n) ...它是用简单的写入创建的file.write('line1\n) ...

I upload it using storbinary (same with storlines)我使用 storbinary 上传它(与 storlines 相同)

ftp = ftplib.FTP() # and connecting to the server

file = open(file_name, 'rb')
ftp.storbinary('STOR file.txt', file)

Now, when I look at the file in the server (also tried downloading it and then looking at it), it looks like this:现在,当我查看服务器中的文件(也尝试下载它然后查看它)时,它看起来像这样:





Why does that happen?为什么会这样? It has to happen while uploading since until then it looks like how it's intended to.它必须在上传时发生,从那时起它看起来就像它的预期那样。

You're creating this file under Windows and sending to a Linux FTP serwer, right?您正在 Windows 下创建此文件并发送到 Linux FTP 服务器,对吗? Windows end lines with \r\n , and Linux with just \n . Windows 以\r\n结束行,而 Linux 仅以\n结束行。 Using storlines instead of storbinary should fix the problem.使用storlines而不是storbinary应该可以解决问题。

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