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Angular 测试:未捕获错误:未捕获(承诺中):错误:无法匹配任何路由。 URL 段:“家”

[英]Angular Testing: Uncaught Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'home'

I am trying to run karma tests on an Angular component called UserComponent .我正在尝试在名为UserComponent的 Angular 组件上运行业力测试。 In this component, I have a my ngOnInit doing this:在这个组件中,我有一个我的 ngOnInit 这样做:

  ngOnInit() {
    const stream = this.tokenSvc.authTokens.pipe(switchMap((x) => {
      this.infoSvc.fetchUserInfo().toPromise().then((y) => {
        localStorage.setItem("oauth", this.tokenSvc.oAuthToken);
        localStorage.setItem("username", y["id"]);
        this.infoSvc.login(y["id"], this.tokenSvc.oAuthToken).toPromise().then((z) => {
      }).catch((e) => {
        console.log("unable to fetch user data")
      return this.infoSvc.fetchUserInfo();

    this.stream = stream.subscribe((x) => 
      this.user = x

The key to the error is the this.router.navigate(['home']);错误的关键是this.router.navigate(['home']); line.线。 For some reason it can't match home to a component from my routing.由于某种原因,它无法将 home 与我的路由中的组件匹配。 Though, the component is in my routing:虽然,该组件在我的路由中:

    component: HomeComponent,
    canActivate: [

In my testing, I read this stackoverflow post that said to try adding the withRoutes to the test, though this didn't work.在我的测试中,我阅读了这篇 stackoverflow 帖子,上面说尝试将 withRoutes 添加到测试中,尽管这不起作用。 Here is my testing code这是我的测试代码

describe('UserComponent', () => {
  let component: UserComponent;
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<UserComponent>;

  beforeEach(async(() => {
      declarations: [ FaIconComponent, AlbumInfoComponent, UserComponent, HomeComponent, SearchBarComponent, RecentReleaseComponent, YourQueueComponent ],
      imports: [FormsModule , HttpClientTestingModule, RouterTestingModule.withRoutes([{path: 'home', component: HomeComponent}])],
      providers: [AuthService, TokenService, InfoService]

  beforeEach(() => {
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(UserComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;

  it('should create', () => {

There, you can see me try the withRoutes and add path and component overrides to no luck.在那里,您可以看到我尝试使用 withRoutes 并将路径和组件覆盖添加到不走运。 Here is the full error:这是完整的错误:

Uncaught Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'home'
Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'home' 

You need to initialize the router into your test suite:您需要将路由器初始化到您的测试套件中:

// add a router declaration at the top of your describe
let router: Router;

// enhance your second beforeEach by instancing the router and initializing the navigation
beforeEach(() => {
  fixture = TestBed.createComponent(UserComponent);
  component = fixture.componentInstance;

  router = TestBed.get(Router);


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