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object 没有属性(kivy)

[英]object has no attributes (kivy)

I am currently working on a mental health app and I have come to a problem in my code.我目前正在开发一个心理健康应用程序,但我的代码遇到了问题。 In one of my classes called 'Controller', I have a slider widget and four buttons that are meant to direct to other pages.在我的一个名为“控制器”的类中,我有一个 slider 小部件和四个用于指向其他页面的按钮。 However, when I click on one, I am met with this error但是,当我单击一个时,我遇到了这个错误

File "kivy\weakproxy.pyx", line 32, in kivy.weakproxy.WeakProxy.__getattr__
AttributeError: 'Controller' object has no attribute 'Screen_One'

This is confusing me because from the coding in my class which will now show you:这让我很困惑,因为我的 class 中的编码现在将向您显示:

class Controller(Screen):
def __init__(self):
    super(Controller, self).__init__()

def new_thickness(self, *args):
    self.lbl.text = str(int(args[1]))
    self.lbl.font_size = int(args[1]) * 6 + 10

def screen_one(self)
    sm.current = "Screen_One"

At first sight, it looks fine and I have been checking and I can't seem to find the problem with it.乍一看,它看起来很好,我一直在检查,我似乎找不到它的问题。 So I thought it could be the class for my Screen_One which I will now show you:所以我认为它可能是我的 Screen_One 的 class,现在我将向您展示:

class Screen_One(Screen):
    text = ObjectProperty(None)

But as you can see there isn't much to present as it is all manufactured on my kivy or kv file and even that seems to be fine as I will present to you now:但是正如您所看到的,没有太多要展示的东西,因为它都是在我的 kivy 或 kv 文件上制造的,即使这样似乎也很好,因为我现在将向您展示:

This is the button that is meant to move to the page I need to go这是用于移动到我需要的页面的按钮 go

    pos_hint: {"x": 0.0, "y": 11.5}
    text: 'Diary'
    background_color: 0, 0, 0, 1
        app.root.current = "Screen_One"
        root.manager.transition.direction = "right"

And the code for the page itself:页面本身的代码:

name: 'screen_one'
text: text


        text: "You can express how you feel below :)"
        size_hint: 0.8, 0.2
        pos_hint: {"x":0.1, "top":1}
        font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 14**4

        id: text
        font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 15**4
        multiline: False
        pos_hint: {"x": 0.5 , "top":0.8}
        size_hint: 0.4, 0.12

This projects needed for my grade which is due soon so could someone please help me?我的成绩需要这个项目,很快就要到期了,所以有人可以帮助我吗?

Thank you:)谢谢:)

Change sm.current = Screen_One to sm.current = "screen_one" .sm.current = Screen_One更改为sm.current = "screen_one" You need to refer to the name of the screen, not the class name you've give it您需要参考屏幕的名称,而不是您给它的 class 名称

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