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Electron-Builder 包含外部文件夹

[英]Electron-Builder include external folder

I am building multiple electron apps and have one directory for common pictures and files.我正在构建多个 electron 应用程序,并且有一个用于常见图片和文件的目录。 I would like to include them when building each app with electron-builder.我想在使用 electron-builder 构建每个应用程序时包括它们。 The docs recommended -if I understood correctly- adding the path to the build > files key but it doesn't seem to work using this config file:文档建议 - 如果我理解正确 - 将路径添加到 build > files 键,但使用此配置文件似乎不起作用:

    "files": [

My directory structure is as follows:我的目录结构如下:

|-- electronapp1
|---- package.json
|-- electronapp2
|---- package.json
|-- common
|---- img
|---- js
|---- css

I am trying to access the common directories with ie this HTML code <link rel="stylesheet" href="../common/css/master.css"> .我正在尝试使用此 HTML 代码<link rel="stylesheet" href="../common/css/master.css">访问公共目录。 It works when starting it with electron.使用electron. for debugging and developing, but when building with electron-builder, it doesn't seem to pack the common directories and throws "File not found" in the console.用于调试和开发,但是在使用 electron-builder 构建时,它似乎没有打包公共目录并在控制台中抛出“找不到文件”。

In your configuration,在您的配置中,

"extraResources": [
        "from": "../common",
        "to": "common"
"files": [

So if I were you I'll configure like this所以如果我是你,我会这样配置

const path = require("path");
const appPath = __dirname;
const appResourcePath = path.join(appPath, "..", "common")

module.exports = {

Then you can use this appResourcePath anywhere at your renderer Such as然后你可以在你的渲染器的任何地方使用这个appResourcePath例如

<img src=path.join(appResourcePath, 'img', 'background.png')>

Then this will be working in any environment.那么这将在任何环境中工作。

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