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如何转换列表<map<string, object> > 列出<map<string, string> > </map<string,></map<string,>

[英]How to Convert List<Map<String, Object>> to List<Map<String, String>>

I am retrieving results from DB Query as List<Map<String, Object>> format, can you suggest, How to convert it to List<Map<String, String>> .我正在以List<Map<String, Object>>格式从数据库查询中检索结果,您能否建议如何将其转换为List<Map<String, String>>

Iterate the list, transforming each of the maps in turn:迭代列表,依次转换每个映射:

    .map(map ->
                    Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue().toString())))

A simple for-each iteration over the list items and its map entries does the trick:对列表项及其 map 条目进行简单的 for-each 迭代即可达到目的:

List<Map<String, Object>> list = ...
List<Map<String, String>> newList = new ArrayList<>();

for (Map<String, Object> map: list) {
    Map<String, String> newMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (Entry<String, Object> entry: map.entrySet()) {
        newMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString()); // mapping happens here

In my opinion, this is the optimal solution and the most readable solution.在我看来,这是最佳解决方案,也是最易读的解决方案。 The is not suitable much for working with dictionaries (although you always get a collection from it). 不太适合处理字典(尽管你总是从中得到一个集合)。

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