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Flutter ListViewBuilder 具有 2 种不同类型的元素(例如,顶部的个人资料图片和之后的个人资料详细信息列表)

[英]Flutter ListViewBuilder with 2 different types of elements (eg. profile pic on top and profile details list after that)

I'm aiming for a page that looks like this -我的目标是一个看起来像这样的页面 -


[Profile _ Image] {Swiper} [个人资料_图片] {Swiper}

[SizedBox] [大小盒]

[Profile Detail-1 ]{Text} [个人资料详情-1]{文字}

[Profile Detail-2 ]{Text} [个人资料详情-2]{文本}

[Profile Detail-3 ]{Text} [个人资料详情-3]{文字}

[Profile Detail-N ] {Text} [个人资料详细信息-N] {文本}

I looked at the Flutter cookbook example of MultiList我查看了 MultiList 的 Flutter食谱示例

The cookbook expects all items in the listview to implement the same class.食谱期望列表视图中的所有项目都实现相同的 class。 What if this is not possible.如果这是不可能的怎么办。

I have tried using index of ListViewBuilder to return Widget based on index.我尝试使用 ListViewBuilder 的index来根据索引返回 Widget。

Is that the right approach?这是正确的方法吗? Shall I be doing something completely different - like siglechildScrollView?我应该做一些完全不同的事情——比如 siglechildScrollView 吗?


Edit1- Current Code that I'm using - Edit1-我正在使用的当前代码-

return NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
      onNotification: (ScrollNotification scrollInfo) {
        if (scrollInfo.metrics.pixels == scrollInfo.metrics.maxScrollExtent) {
        return false;
      child: ListView.builder(
          padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 72),
          itemCount: this._postItems.length + 1,
          itemBuilder: (context, index) {
            if (this._postItems.length == index) {
              if (this._isLoadingMore) {
                return Container(
                  margin: EdgeInsets.all(4.0),
                  height: 36,
                  width: 36,
                  child: Center(
                    child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
              } else {
                return Container();

              return WdgtProfileImage();}
            else if(index==1){
              return SizedBox(2.0);}

            return WdgtUserPost(
              model: this._postItems[index],
              onPostClick: onPostClick,
            //return postItemWidget(
            //    postItem: this._postItems[index], onClick: onPostClick);

You can use a CustomScrollView instead of the normal Listview.builder .您可以使用CustomScrollView而不是普通的Listview.builder The CustomScrollView takes in a list of slivers to which you can pass/use a SliverList to build a list. CustomScrollView接收一个 sliver 列表,您可以将其传递/使用SliverList来构建列表。

  slivers: <Widget>[
    //A sliver widget that renders a normal box widget
      child: WdgtProfileImage(),
    //A sliver list
      //With SliverChildBuilderDelegate the items are constructed lazily
      //just like in Listview.builder
      delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
        (BuildContext context, int index) {
          return WdgtUserPost(
            model: _postItems[index],
            onPostClick: onPostClick,
        childCount: _postItems.length,
    if (_isLoadingMore)
      //your loading widget shown at the bootom of the list
        child: Container(
          margin: EdgeInsets.all(4.0),
          height: 36,
          width: 36,
          child: Center(
            child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

Additional links to docs:文档的其他链接:

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