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[英]Search for a match, copy entire row, and paste to corresponding

Col B on "Sheet2" contains 370 rows of data. “Sheet2”上的 Col B 包含 370 行数据。 Starting with "Sheet2" Cell B1, I want to search for a matching value in Col B on "Sheet1" (it could be located anywhere in the first 300 rows of "Sheet1" Col B).从“Sheet2”单元格 B1 开始,我想在“Sheet1”上的 Col B 中搜索匹配值(它可能位于“Sheet1”Col B 的前 300 行中的任何位置)。 If a match is found, copy the entire row from "Sheet1" and paste to Row1 on "Sheet2".如果找到匹配项,则从“Sheet1”复制整行并粘贴到“Sheet2”上的 Row1。 Then, move to "Sheet2" Cell B2 and repeat the search, this time pasting the entire row from "Sheet1" to Row2 on "Sheet2".然后,移动到“Sheet2”单元格 B2 并重复搜索,这次将整个行从“Sheet1”粘贴到“Sheet2”上的 Row2。 Continue moving thru the entire column of data on "Sheet2", searching for each cell's value on "Sheet1".继续遍历“Sheet2”上的整个数据列,在“Sheet1”上搜索每个单元格的值。 If a search doesn't return a match, then do not paste anything to that row on "Sheet2" and just proceed to search for the next cell on "Sheet2".如果搜索未返回匹配项,则不要将任何内容粘贴到“Sheet2”上的该行,然后继续搜索“Sheet2”上的下一个单元格。 (For example, if Sheet1 Col B doesn't contain a match for Sheet2 Cell B3, then nothing gets pasted in Sheet2 Row3.) (例如,如果 Sheet1 Col B 不包含 Sheet2 Cell B3 的匹配项,则不会在 Sheet2 Row3 中粘贴任何内容。)

I have found the following example, which starts to help me, but it specifies the search value and doesn't loop thru the entire column of values like I am attempting to do.我找到了以下示例,它开始对我有所帮助,但它指定了搜索值,并且不会像我试图做的那样遍历整个值列。

Sub CopyYes()
    Dim c As Range
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim Source As Worksheet
    Dim Target As Worksheet

    ' Change worksheet designations as needed
    Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")

    J = 1     ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
    For Each c In Source.Range("E1:E1000")   ' Do 1000 rows
        If c = "yes" Then
           Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
           j = j + 1
        End If
    Next c
End Sub

This should do the trick, and do it fast:这应该可以解决问题,并且可以快速完成:

Option Explicit
Sub CopyYes()

    'You need Microsoft Scripting Runtime library under Tools-References for this
    Dim arrPaste As Variant: arrPaste = Sheet2.UsedRange.Value
    Dim arrCopy As Variant: arrCopy = Sheet1.UsedRange.Value
    Dim MyMatches As New Dictionary: Set MyMatches = CreateDictionary(arrCopy)
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To UBound(arrPaste)
        If arrPaste(i, 2) = vbNullString Then Exit For
        If MyMatches.Exists(arrPaste(i, 2)) Then PasteData arrPaste, arrCopy, i, MyMatches(arrPaste(i, 2))
    Next i
    Sheet2.UsedRange.Value = arrPaste
    Erase arrCopy
    Erase arrPaste

End Sub
Private Function CreateDictionary(arr As Variant) As Dictionary

    Dim i As Long
    Set CreateDictionary = New Dictionary
    For i = 1 To 300
        CreateDictionary.Add arr(i, 2), i
    Next i

End Function
Private Sub PasteData(arrPaste As Variant, arrCopy As Variant, i As Long, MyMatch As Long)

    Dim j As Long
    For j = 1 To UBound(arrCopy, 2)
        If arrCopy(MyMatch, j) = vbNullString Then Exit For
        arrPaste(i, j) = arrCopy(MyMatch, j)
    Next j

End Sub
  1. Use Range.Find to search for your matching cell使用Range.Find搜索匹配的单元格
  2. Use a Union to create a collection of the rows that are found使用Union创建找到的行的集合
  3. Once your loop is finished, copy your range all at once if the Union is not empty循环完成后,如果Union不为空,请立即复制您的范围

Sub Shelter_In_Place()

Dim Source As Worksheet: Set Source = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim Target As Worksheet: Set Target = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

Dim Found As Range, lr As Long
Dim CopyMe As Range

lr = Target.Range("B" & Target.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

For i = 1 To lr
    Set Found = Source.Range("B:B").Find(Target.Range("B" & i), LookIn:=xlWhole)

    If Not Found Is Nothing Then
        If Not CopyMe Is Nothing Then
            Set CopyMe = Union(CopyMe, Target.Range("B" & i))
            Set CopyMe = Target.Range("B" & i)
        End If
    End If

    Set Fouund = Nothing
Next i

If Not CopyMe Is Nothing Then
    Source.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If

End Sub

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