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[英]How to remove indexing brackets when making functions return multiple objects?

I'm trying to use functions to cut down on lines of code, but my output isn't as clean as I'd like.我正在尝试使用函数来减少代码行,但是我的 output 并不像我想要的那样干净。 Specifically, when returning multiple elements from a function (by making a list and using return ), R also prints what I think are indexing numbers (ex. [[1]][[1]][[1]] ).具体来说,当从 function 返回多个元素(通过制作列表并使用return )时, R 还会打印我认为是索引号的内容(例如[[1]][[1]][[1]] )。 To make my markdown document cleaner and more readable, I'd like to remove those little numbers.为了使我的 markdown 文档更清晰、更具可读性,我想删除那些小数字。

Any thoughts on how to do this?关于如何做到这一点的任何想法? Looking around SO didn't really lead me anywhere.环顾四周,并没有真正把我带到任何地方。 cat() doesn't work here since I'm trying to return a plot and a table. cat() 在这里不起作用,因为我试图返回 plot 和一张桌子。

An example using the iris dataset (with ggplot2, dplyr, and kableExtra packages):使用 iris 数据集的示例(使用 ggplot2、dplyr 和 kableExtra 包):


TypeLoop <- function(fun) {
  all <- fun(c("setosa","versicolor","virginica"),"All")
  set <- fun("setosa","Setosa")
  vers <- fun("versicolor","Versicolor")
  virg <- fun("virginica","Verginica")
  out <- list(all,set,vers,virg)

PlotNTable <- function(type,name) {
  myplot <- ggplot(iris,aes(Sepal.Length)) +
    geom_histogram(data=filter(iris, Species %in% type),color="white",fill="darkblue") +
    labs(x="Sepal Length", y="Frequency",
         title=paste(name,": Sepal Length"))

  sep.table <- iris %>%
    filter(Species %in% type) %>%
    group_by(Sepal.Length) %>%
    summarize("Less than 6" = sum(Sepal.Length<6),
                "6 to 7" = sum(Sepal.Length<7 & Sepal.Length>=6),
                "More than 7" = sum(Sepal.Length>7))
  mytable <- kable(sep.table, caption = paste(name,": Sepal Length")) %>%
    kable_styling(c("striped","bordered","hover")) %>%
    column_spec(1, bold = T) 

  #Make the function return both objects
  out <- list(myplot,mytable)

#Return the plots and tables

I include the results='asis' option in the top of the code chunk to make it actually knit the markdown document.我在代码块的顶部包含了results='asis'选项,以使其真正编织 markdown 文档。

Also, I'm fairly new to R, so if you see red flags/redundancies/better ways to do things I try to do in this code, please let me know!另外,我对 R 还很陌生,所以如果你看到危险信号/冗余/更好的方法来做我试图在这段代码中做的事情,请告诉我!

Using your code, I think this will give the effect you want.使用您的代码,我认为这将产生您想要的效果。 Use flatten() to remove the list hierarchy, and walk() to iterate and print the results for their side-effects only.使用flatten()删除列表层次结构,并使用walk()迭代并仅打印其副作用的结果。


#Return the plots and tables
x <- TypeLoop(PlotNTable)

walk(flatten(x), print)

Using c instead of list should ease the pain a bit.使用c代替list应该可以减轻痛苦。

TypeLoop <- function(fun) {
  all <- fun(c("setosa","versicolor","virginica"),"All")
  set <- fun("setosa","Setosa")
  vers <- fun("versicolor","Versicolor")
  virg <- fun("virginica","Verginica")
  return( c(all, set, vers, virg) )

The rest I cannot say for sure cause I did not try it in a knitr environment. rest 我不能肯定地说,因为我没有在 knitr 环境中尝试过。 But the next thing I would try is something like this.但接下来我要尝试的是这样的。 It seems to work in the console.它似乎在控制台中工作。 You should be able to figure it out from here.你应该可以从这里弄清楚。

output <- function(x) {
  if ("gg" %in% class(x)) { 
  } else if ("knitr_kable" %in% class(x)) {
    cat(unlist(x), "\n")
sapply(TypeLoop(PlotNTable), output)

Is that what you were looking for?那是你要找的吗?

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