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如何在 C 程序的 2 个单独文件中获取具有相同名称的全局 static 变量的值

[英]How to get the value of global static variables having same name in 2 separate files in C program

I'm trying to execute a program in C.我正在尝试执行 C 中的程序。 While executing I'm getting the same value for global static variables( static int data ) with the same name declared in 2 separate files program1.c and program2.c where the main() function is in program1.c The actual answer should be apple = 2 and orange = 3 but the static int data variable is getting overridden by oranges_set(3) function call. While executing I'm getting the same value for global static variables( static int data ) with the same name declared in 2 separate files program1.c and program2.c where the main() function is in program1.c The actual answer should be apple = 2orange = 3static int 数据变量被oranges_set(3) function 调用覆盖。 Could anyone please let me know what could be the issue?谁能让我知道可能是什么问题? Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

#include <stdio.h>
#include "program2.c"

void apples_set(int value);
int apples_get();

static int data;

void oranges_set(int value)
    data = value;

int oranges_get()
    printf("Value of oranges = %d \n",data);
    return data;

int main(){

    printf("Apple = %d and Orange = %d",apples_get(),oranges_get());
    return 0;

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static int data;

void apples_set(int value)

    data = value;

int apples_get()
    printf("Value of apples = %d \n",data);
    return data;

These are not separate files, because you include the one in the other.这些不是单独的文件,因为您将一个包含在另一个文件中。 This is equivalent to copying the entire content of program2.c and pasting it place of the #include "program2.c" line in program1.c .这相当于复制program2.c的全部内容并将其粘贴到 program1.c 中#include "program2.c" program1.c的位置。

For this to work correctly, you need to compile the files as separate object files and then link those together.为此,您需要将文件编译为单独的 object 文件,然后将它们链接在一起。

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