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Singleton ViewModel WPF

[英]Singleton ViewModel WPF

I created a datagrid using a MVVM pattern ( almost exactly this example ).我使用 MVVM 模式创建了一个数据网格( 几乎就是这个例子)。 The end goal is to have a graph that plots all the data from this datagrid AND the datagrid should update when a point of the graph has been manually moved (drag).最终目标是有一个图表来绘制来自该数据网格的所有数据,并且当手动移动(拖动)图表的一个点时数据网格应该更新。 The plotted data is a bunch of inputs for a robot.绘制的数据是机器人的一堆输入。

The way I intended to build this was with 1 model (list of input parameters), 2 viewmodels (one for the datagrid and one for the graph) and 2 views (same window).我打算使用 1 个 model(输入参数列表)、2 个视图模型(一个用于数据网格,一个用于图形)和 2 个视图(同一窗口)来构建它。

The problem: both viewmodels should use/update the same ObservableCollection containing the list of inputs.问题:两个视图模型都应该使用/更新包含输入列表的相同ObservableCollection

To tackle this issue I tried several approach:为了解决这个问题,我尝试了几种方法:

  • Mediator pattern - I don't understand it中介者模式 - 我不明白
  • Dependency Injection - Same as for mediator pattern, all examples I found were to hard for me to understand依赖注入 - 与中介模式相同,我发现的所有示例都让我难以理解
  • Singleton patter - feels like I understand that one, but can't properly implement it (I'm using this example that I find clear) Singleton 模式 - 感觉就像我理解那个,但无法正确实现它(我使用的这个例子我觉得很清楚)

To make things simple, I am currently only focusing on the datagrid.为简单起见,我目前只关注数据网格。 So using a Singleton + MVVM pattern, I'm trying to have it work the same way it used to (commands to add/remove row, drag and drop, updating the ObservableCollection ).因此,使用 Singleton + MVVM 模式,我试图让它像以前一样工作(添加/删除行、拖放、更新ObservableCollection的命令)。

So this is the singleton class:所以这是 singleton class:

class SingletonDoliInputCollection : ViewModelBase
    #region Events
    void OnDoliCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
        // Update item count
        this.ItemCount = this.DoliInputCollection.Count;

        // Resequence list

    #region Fields
    private ObservableCollection<DoliInput> _doliInputCollection;
    private int _itemCount;
    private static SingletonDoliInputCollection _instance;

    #region Singleton Constructor
    private SingletonDoliInputCollection() { }

    #region Properties   
    public ObservableCollection<DoliInput> DoliInputCollection
        get => _doliInputCollection;
            _doliInputCollection = value;

    public static SingletonDoliInputCollection GetInstance(ObservableCollection<DoliInput> DoliInputCollection)
        if (_instance == null)
            _instance = new SingletonDoliInputCollection();

        return _instance;

    public int ItemCount
        get => _itemCount;
            _itemCount = value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Return selected item in the grid
    /// </summary>
    public DoliInput SelectedItem { get; set; }

    #region Manage Sequencing
    /// <summary>
    /// Resets the sequential order of a collection.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="targetCollection">The collection to be re-indexed.</param>
    public static ObservableCollection<T> SetCollectionSequence<T>(ObservableCollection<T> targetCollection) where T : ISequencedObject
        // Initialize
        var sequenceNumber = 1;

        // Resequence
        foreach (ISequencedObject sequencedObject in targetCollection)
            sequencedObject.SequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;

        // Set return value
        return targetCollection;

    #region Private Methods
    #region Initialise
    private void Initialise(ObservableCollection<DoliInput> DoliInputCollection)
        //Create inputList
        _instance.DoliInputCollection = new ObservableCollection<DoliInput>();

        //Add items
        _instance.AddInput("Load", 3, 2, 1);
        _instance.AddInput("Position", 3, 11, 1);
        _instance.AddInput("Position", 3, 2, 4);
        _instance.AddInput("Load", 3, 2, 1);

        //Subscribe to the event that gets trigger when change occurs
        _instance.DoliInputCollection.CollectionChanged += OnDoliCollectionChanged;

        //Start indexing items
        this.DoliInputCollection = SetCollectionSequence(this.DoliInputCollection);

        //Update if changes


    #region Public Methods
    public void AddInput(string CTRL, double Destination, double Speed, double Duration)
        this.DoliInputCollection.Add(new DoliInput(CTRL, Destination, Speed, Duration));


The ViewModel class looks like that: ViewModel class 看起来像这样:

public class DataGridVM : ViewModelBase
    #region Constructor

    public ObservableCollection<DoliInput> DoliInputCollection { get; set; }
    public DoliInput SelectedItem { get; set; }

    public DataGridVM()
        //ObservableCollection<DoliInput> DoliInputCollection = new ObservableCollection<DoliInput>();
        SingletonDoliInputCollection doliInputs = GetDoliInputCollectionInstance(DoliInputCollection);
        DoliInputCollection = doliInputs.DoliInputCollection;
        SelectedItem = doliInputs.SelectedItem;


    #region Properties
    public ICommand DeleteItem { get; set; }
    public ICommand AddRow { get; set; }


    #region Private Methods
    #region Initialise
    private static SingletonDoliInputCollection GetDoliInputCollectionInstance(ObservableCollection<DoliInput> DoliInputs)
        SingletonDoliInputCollection singleton = SingletonDoliInputCollection.GetInstance(DoliInputs);
        return singleton;



And for the view, here is just on example of column formatting:对于视图,这里只是列格式的示例:

<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=(dataGrid:DoliInput.Speed), Mode=TwoWay}" Header="Speed" />

Last a simplified version of the model (there are 3 other properties: CTRL, destination and duration, not displayed here)最后一个简化版的model(还有3个其他属性:CTRL、目的地和持续时间,这里不展示)

public class DoliInput : ObservableObject, ISequencedObject
    #region Fields
    private double _speed;
    private int _seqNb;

    #region Properties

    public double Speed 
        get => _speed; 
            _speed = value; 

    public int SequenceNumber 
        get => _seqNb;
            _seqNb = value;


    #region Constructor

    public DoliInput(){  }

    public DoliInput(string CTRL, double destination, double speed, double duration)
        this._speed = speed;

I tried to keep this as short as possible.我尽量保持简短。 If more info is necessary, I can add it.如果需要更多信息,我可以添加。

Disclamer : I am obsviously not a professional coder.免责声明:我显然不是专业的编码员。 I'm doing this on the side and I try to learn new things.我一边做这件事,一边尝试学习新事物。 If you think my whole approach for this code is wrong, I'm entirely open to a new one.如果您认为我对这段代码的整个方法是错误的,我完全愿意接受新的方法。

Dependency injection means you pass the dependencies (in this case the data points) to the object (in this case view-model) instead of having objects create their own dependencies and having problems like the one you have right now when dependencies that need to be shared.依赖注入意味着您将依赖项(在本例中为数据点)传递给 object(在本例中为视图模型),而不是让对象创建自己的依赖项,并且在需要依赖项时遇到像现在这样的问题共享。

You can have the data centralized in some object that is passed to the constructors of both view-models.您可以将数据集中在一些 object 中,这些 object 将传递给两个视图模型的构造函数。 This however will require you to raise events/ implement INotifyPropertyChanged so that both view-models are aware of the change and raising PropertyChanged event.但是,这将要求您引发事件/实施INotifyPropertyChanged以便两个视图模型都知道更改并引发PropertyChanged事件。

You can also have one view-model being bound by two different views but make sure that you're not breaking the single responsibility principle.你也可以让一个视图模型被两个不同的视图绑定,但要确保你没有违反单一责任原则。 I think this approach should be preferred.我认为应该首选这种方法。 Notice that you're not limited to any 1-1 relationship between view-models and views.请注意,您不仅限于视图模型和视图之间的任何 1-1 关系。 You can have many views bound to one viewmodel, a view binding to several view-models etc...您可以将多个视图绑定到一个视图模型,一个视图绑定到多个视图模型等...

In any case, avoid singletons, at least for this case.在任何情况下,都要避免单例,至少在这种情况下是这样。

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