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如何遍历来自 API 的所有响应并使用 Javascript 将它们传递给 Google 表格?

[英]How do I loop through all responses from API and pass them to Google Sheet using Javascript?

I have this code that gets project ID from google sheet if they meet a criteria (between two dates) and uses it for an API to get the users in the project.如果符合条件(在两个日期之间),我有这段代码可以从谷歌表中获取项目 ID,并将其用于 API 以获取项目中的用户。 After, getTeam function append the response (Team) to a sheet.之后,获取Team function append 对工作表的响应(团队)。 My challenge is that I am not able to get all the users appended to the sheet in the getTeam function.我的挑战是我无法将所有用户都附加到getTeam function 中的工作表中。 I did not structure well my loops in readDates I will help in structuring the code to get all the users to a sheet.我没有很好地构建我在readDates中的循环,我将帮助构建代码以使所有用户都进入工作表。

function readDates() {
    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();

    var range1 = sheet.getRange("C2:C" + sheet.getLastRow()).getValues();
    var searchString = "Project";
    var ahead = nextweek()
    var behind = lastweek()
    var team_array = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < range.length; i++) {
        if (range1[i][0] >= behind && range1[i][0] <= ahead) {

                var lastRow = sheet.getRange(2 + i, 1, 1, 8).getValues();
                var dateval = lastRow[0][2]
                var data = {

                    'project_id': lastRow[0][3] // There are 6 projects ID meeting criteria, each project has 7 users


                var options = {
                    method: 'get',
                    headers: {
                        Authorization: 'Bearer ' + token

                var url = tknurl + Endpoint + data.project_id + '/users?auth=' + token
                var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
                var team = JSON.parse(response);
                var content = team.data;


getTeam function.获取团队 function Where I am only getting users for one project, instead of all 6 projects我只为一个项目而不是所有 6 个项目获取用户

function getTeam() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Team');
var Pro_data = readDates()

for (var j = 0; j < Pro_data.length; j++) {

ss.getRange(2 + j, 1).setValue(Pro_data[j].id);
ss.getRange(2 + j, 2).setValue(Pro_data[j].first_name);
ss.getRange(2 + j, 3).setValue(Pro_data[j].last_name);
ss.getRange(2 + j, 4).setValue(Pro_data[j].display_name);
ss.getRange(2 + j, 5).setValue(Pro_data[j].email);
ss.getRange(2 + j, 6).setValue(Pro_data[j].user_type_id);
ss.getRange(2 + j, 7).setValue(Pro_data[j].role);



The return statement finishes the execution of a function and exits it return语句完成 function 的执行并退出它

  • You use return(content) inside the for loop您在for循环中使用return(content)
  • As a consequence the function will be exited after the first iteration因此,function 将在第一次迭代后退出
  • Instead, you should create an array to which you append within each iteration the data for each project相反,您应该创建一个数组,您在每次迭代中将 append 存储到每个项目的数据中
  • Return the array containing all data after the exiting the for loop.退出for循环后返回包含所有数据的数组。


  var myArray = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < range1.length; i++) {
    var content = team.data;
  return content; 

Side note:边注:

You can replace the nested if statement您可以替换嵌套的 if 语句

if (range1[i][0] >= behind) {
  if (range1[i][0] <= ahead) {

through a combined one:通过一个组合:

if (range1[i][0] >= behind && range1[i][0] <= ahead) {

You are returning only the first result in readDates function.您只返回 readDates function 中的第一个结果。 Your return instruction is inside the loop, you need to aggregate all the results somewhere, you can use an array before executing the return.您的返回指令在循环内,您需要在某处聚合所有结果,您可以在执行返回之前使用数组。

var contents = [];
for (var i = 0; i < range.length; i++) {
     } //close if2
   } //close if1
}//close for
return contents;

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