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在 React 中传递 refs

[英]Passing refs in React

In my App component, I have 2 components Navbar and View .在我的App组件中,我有 2 个组件NavbarView In my Navbar component, I have an ExportButton component which onClick should generate a screenshot of the View component by passing its ref.在我的Navbar组件中,我有一个ExportButton组件,onClick 应该通过传递其 ref 来生成View组件的屏幕截图。


function App() {
  const view = useRef();
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Navbar takeSnap={view}/>
      <View ref={view}/>


const Navbar = ({ takeSnap }) => {
  return (
      <Lists />
      <ExportButton takeSnap={takeSnap} />


const ExportButton = ({ takeSnap }) => {
 function handleClick(takeSnap) {
    domtoimage.toBlob(takeSnap.current, {}).then(function (blob) {
      saveAs(blob, "myImage.png");
   return (
      <Button onClick={() => handleClick(takeSnap)} />

I having some trouble passing ref of View to use the library dom-to-image to take a screenshot.我在传递View的引用以使用库 dom-to-image 截屏时遇到了一些麻烦。 The error says "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'cloneNode' of undefined at makeNodeCopy".错误显示“未捕获(承诺中)类型错误:无法读取 makeNodeCopy 处未定义的属性 'cloneNode'”。 This might be a quick fix but I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.这可能是一个快速修复,但我不确定我哪里出错了。

You cannot create a ref for a component, a ref can only reference a DOM element.您不能为组件创建refref只能引用 DOM 元素。 When you do:当你这样做时:

<View ref={view}/>

ref is a reserved keyword and it won't be passed down to your View render function. ref是一个保留关键字,它不会传递给您的视图渲染 function。

You can use forwardRef to solve this problem, or simply use a different keyword such as myRef:您可以使用forwardRef来解决这个问题,或者简单地使用不同的关键字,例如 myRef:

<View myRef={view}/>

Then when you render your View , you can assign this ref to the element you want the screenshot from:然后,当您渲染View时,您可以将此 ref 分配给您想要截屏的元素:

<div ref={myRef} ...

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