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如何跟踪迭代开始日期后已添加到 sprint 中的 Azure 工作项?

[英]How to track Azure work items that have been added into the sprint after the iteration start date?


First of all, this question is based on the premise that I´m connecting Azure devops data through the Analytics View and all fields available were selected to the view.首先,这个问题是基于我通过分析视图连接 Azure devops 数据并且所有可用字段都选择到视图的前提。

I want to track whether the development team stuck to the plan or worked on backlog items that have been created OR have been added into the sprint after the sprint was started.我想跟踪开发团队是否坚持计划或处理已创建或在 sprint 开始后已添加到 sprint 中的积压项目。 But I have no clue on how to do it.但我不知道该怎么做。 Apparently is looks easier to write an IF statement for the 'Creation Date' criteria.显然,为“创建日期”标准编写 IF 语句看起来更容易。

But how to effectively identify when an item has been added after the sprint start?但是如何在 sprint 开始后有效地识别何时添加了项目?

Unfortunately,there is not a built-in report can be generated to get what you want.不幸的是,没有内置的报告可以生成你想要的。 Since TFS/Azure DevOps is an effort tracking system and not a time tracking system it is a loosing battle to try and track billable time as part of TFS/Azure DevOps.由于 TFS/Azure DevOps 是一个工作量跟踪系统而不是时间跟踪系统,因此作为 TFS/Azure DevOps 的一部分尝试跟踪计费时间是一场失败的战斗。

Agile projects don't focus on how long individual tasks take(Same concept as when items first added to a sprint) -- they focus on how much value the development team is providing over the course of a set period of time.敏捷项目不关注单个任务需要多长时间(与第一次将项目添加到 sprint 时的概念相同)——它们关注的是开发团队在一段时间内提供了多少价值。 One thing might be estimated low, one task might be estimated high, but it ultimately doesn't matter as long as the team delivers what they committed to deliver.一件事可能估计得低,一项任务估计得高,但最终都无关紧要,只要团队交付了他们承诺交付的东西。

About Scrum, suggest you take a look at this related question: Reporting on completed sprint关于 Scrum,建议你看看这个相关的问题: Reporting on completed sprint

If you insist on achieving this, you could use some 3-rd party extension such as Imaginet Time Sheet & Timetracker .如果您坚持要实现这一点,您可以使用一些 3-rd 方扩展,例如 Imaginet Time SheetTimetracker For example, about time tracker, it is fully integrated into TFS, which allows tracking directly against workitems and offers data export as well as automatic filling of the fields mentioned above.例如,关于时间跟踪器,它完全集成到 TFS 中,可以直接针对工作项进行跟踪,并提供数据导出以及上述字段的自动填充。 With the help of the extension, project manager could have all times based on rules automatically reported back into MS Project.在扩展的帮助下,项目经理可以根据规则自动将所有时间报告回 MS Project。

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