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如何检查 Windows 机器中安装的 AWS CLI

[英]How to check AWS CLI Installed in Windows machine

I am working on Wix Installer Burn Setup Project.我正在研究 Wix 安装程序刻录设置项目。 AWS CLI is one of the Prerequisite software. AWS CLI 是必备软件之一。 My issue is if AWS CLI is already installed need to avoid Repair or Uninstall screens on the WIX burn setup.我的问题是,如果已经安装了 AWS CLI,则需要避免 WIX 刻录设置上的修复或卸载屏幕。

How to check whether AWS CLI installed in Machine or not TO specify the Install Condtion in Wix Burn Setup.如何检查机器中是否安装了 AWS CLI 在 Wix 刻录设置中指定安装条件。 Thanks谢谢

Taking a quick look at AWSCLIV2.msi, I don't see any registry entries.快速查看 AWSCLIV2.msi,我没有看到任何注册表项。 (That's a real shame. Nothing like a Version=XXX to really help make this problem easier.) (真可惜。没有什么比 Version=XXX 更能帮助解决这个问题了。)

I see a bunch of files getting installed to [ProgramFiles64Folder]\Amazon\AWSCLIV2 although the user does have the option to change this in the UI.我看到一堆文件被安装到 [ProgramFiles64Folder]\Amazon\AWSCLIV2,尽管用户确实可以选择在 UI 中更改它。

The UpgradeCode is {E1C1971C-384E-4D6D-8D02-F1AC48281CF8}.升级代码是 {E1C1971C-384E-4D6D-8D02-F1AC48281CF8}。 Let's start here.让我们从这里开始。

Take a look at the concept of variables and InstallConditions on these pages:在这些页面上查看变量和 InstallConditions 的概念:

https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/bundle/bundle_define_searches.html https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/bundle/bundle_define_searches.html

https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/util/productsearch.html https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/util/productsearch.html

https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/wix/msipackage.html https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/wix/msipackage.html

That should give you enough information to get the rest of the way there.这应该为您提供足够的信息来获得 rest 的方式。

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