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如何将 C# XML 文档格式化为 PDF 或 static Z4C4AD5FCA2E7A3F74DBB1CED003?

[英]How can I format C# XML-documentation as PDF or static HTML?

There is this question: How to format Visual Studio XML documentation for display on the web , which is similar to what I want.有这个问题: How to format Visual Studio XML documentation for display on the web ,这与我想要的类似。 But the answers for this question are all very old and the tools mentioned (sandcastle, docu, NDoc, AutoHelp) are all outdated and not maintained anymore since years.但是这个问题的答案都非常古老,并且提到的工具(sandcastle、docu、NDoc、AutoHelp)都已经过时并且多年来不再维护。

Is there a modern tool that generates a PDF (or static HTML) from XML doc strings in a .NET project?是否有现代工具可以从 XML 项目中的 XML 文档字符串生成 PDF(或 static HTML)?

We use Doxygen ( http://www.doxygen.nl/ ).我们使用 Doxygen ( http://www.doxygen.nl/ )。 There's plenty options to adjust it and use multiple languages like C# / VB.NET and much more.有很多选项可以调整它并使用多种语言,例如 C# / VB.NET 等等。

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