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如何使用 conllu 库创建 TokenList?

[英]How to create a TokenList using the conllu library?

I'm trying to create a CoNLL-U file using the conllu library as part of a Universal Dependency tagging project I'm working on.我正在尝试使用 conllu 库创建一个 CoNLL-U 文件,作为我正在处理的通用依赖标记项目的一部分。

I have a number of sentences in python lists.我在 python 列表中有很多句子。 These contain sub-lists of tokens, lemmata, POS tags, features, etc. For example:这些包含令牌、词条、POS 标签、特征等的子列表。例如:

sentence = [['The', 'the', 'DET', ... ], ['big', big', 'ADJ', ... ], ['dog', 'dog', 'NOUN', ...], ...]

I want to automate the process of turning these into CoNLL-U parsed sentences, so I wrote the following function:我想自动化将这些转换为 CoNLL-U 解析句子的过程,所以我写了以下 function:

from collections import OrderedDict

def compile_sent(sent):
    sent_list = list()
    for i, tok_data in enumerate(sent):
        tok_id = i + 1
        tok = tok_data[0]
        lemma = tok_data[1]
        pos = tok_data[2]
        feats = tok_data[3]
        compiled_tok = OrderedDict({'id': tok_id, 'form': tok, 'lemma': lemma, 'upostag': pos, 'xpostag': None, 'feats': feats, 'head': None, 'deprel': None, 'deps': None, 'misc': None})
    sent_list = sent_list.serialize()
    return sent_list


When I try to run this code I get the following error:当我尝试运行此代码时,出现以下错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/me/PycharmProjects/UDParser/Rough_Work.py", line 103, in <module>
  File "/Users/me/PycharmProjects/UDParser/Rough_Work.py", line 99, in compile_sent
    sent_list = sent_list.serialize()
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'serialize'

The problem is that I'm trying to create a normal list and run the serialize() method on that.问题是我正在尝试创建一个普通列表并在其上运行serialize()方法。 I don't know how to create the type of TokenList that is created by the library when the parse() function is run on string in the CoNLL-U file format.parse() function 在 CoNLL-U 文件格式的字符串上运行时,我不知道如何创建库创建的TokenList类型。

When you try to print that type of list you get the following output:当您尝试打印该类型的列表时,您会得到以下 output:

data = """
# text = The big dog
1   The     the    DET    _    Definite=Def|PronType=Art   _   _   _   _
2   big     big    ADJ    _    Degree=Pos                  _   _   _   _
3   dog     dog    NOUN   _    Number=Sing                 _   _   _   _


sentences = data.parse()
sentence = sentences[0]

TokenList<The, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog, .>

Running the serialize() method on this type of list will turn it back into a CoNLL-U format string like data in the example above.在这种类型的列表上运行serialize()方法会将其重新转换为 CoNLL-U 格式的字符串,如上例中的data However, it breaks when you try to run it on a normal python list.但是,当您尝试在正常的 python 列表上运行它时,它会中断。

How can I create a TokenList like this instead of a normal python list object?如何创建这样的TokenList而不是普通的 python 列表 object?

Change your sent_list from a normal list to a TokenList .将您的sent_list从普通列表更改为TokenList

from conllu import TokenList
from collections import OrderedDict

def compile_sent(sent):
    sent_list = TokenList()
    # ... etc ...

You can view the functions on TokenList by using help(TokenList) in a REPL.您可以在 REPL 中使用help(TokenList)查看TokenList上的函数。

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