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无法设置甘道夫 Go

[英]Unable to setup Gandalf Go

I am trying to setup Gandalf but when I do go get github.com/JumboInteractiveLimited/Gandalf I'm getting error我正在尝试设置 Gandalf,但是当我执行go get github.com/JumboInteractiveLimited/Gandalf时出现错误

package github.com/jmartin82/mmock/definition: cannot find package "github.com/jmartin82/mmock/definition" in any of:
        /usr/local/go/src/github.com/jmartin82/mmock/definition (from $GOROOT)
        <My_Go_Path>/src/github.com/jmartin82/mmock/definition (from $GOPATH)

I'm using testing file from 我正在使用来自的测试文件

This reached me via a GitHub Issue however I thought it best to mention it here for clarity.这是通过GitHub 问题传达给我的,但是为了清楚起见,我认为最好在此处提及。

Gandalf utilizes go modules to pin dependency versions, go get will download the latest version of a dependency rather than the version a project actually supports where as something like go mod download will respect the go.mod file and fetch the correct version. Gandalf utilizes go modules to pin dependency versions, go get will download the latest version of a dependency rather than the version a project actually supports where as something like go mod download will respect the go.mod file and fetch the correct version. The mmock project has changed its package structure making newer versions of it not backwards compatible. mmock 项目已更改其 package 结构,使其更新版本不向后兼容。

I recommend getting antiquated with go modules as they seem to be the way forward now and have been enabled by default in newer versions of the go compiler.我建议使用 go 模块过时,因为它们现在似乎是前进的方向,并且在 go 编译器的较新版本中默认启用。 If I remember correctly you may already have support for it you just need to set the environment variable GO111MODULE=on when dealing with projects that have a go.mod file.如果我没记错的话,您可能已经支持它,您只需要在处理具有go.mod文件的项目时设置环境变量GO111MODULE=on即可。

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