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React/Redux 如何将值从 redux 存储设置到组件的 state

[英]React/Redux How to set value from redux store to state of component

I need to change my received data from redux store to another variable (and then modify it).我需要将收到的数据从 redux 存储更改为另一个变量(然后修改它)。 At the moment, I receive data from store after API call and it is stored offices , but it is not set to my officeData variable.目前,我在 API 调用后从 store 接收数据,它存储为officeData offices Does anyone how can I solve that?有谁可以解决这个问题?
This is my code:这是我的代码:

  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const offices = useSelector((state) => state.office.offices)
  const [officeData, setOffices] = useState(offices);
  useEffect(()=> {
  }, [dispatch])

If you don't even enter your useEffect i think it's because you give dispatch as a dependency.如果您甚至没有输入您的 useEffect 我认为这是因为您将dispatch作为依赖项提供。

Effect are triggered when component mount but also when component update (prop or state).组件挂载时触发效果,组件更新(prop 或 state)时也会触发效果。 So you could do something like that:所以你可以做这样的事情:

import { useEffect } from "react";

const dispatch = useDispatch();
const offices = useSelector((state) => state.office.offices);
const [officeData, setOffices] = useState(undefined);
const [didMount, setDidmount] = useState(false);

// When component mount, load your Offices data
useEffect(() => {
  } else {

useEffect(() => {
  if(didMount) {
    // When you update officeData, do your thing
}, [officeData]);

I don't know the behavior of useSelector, but i guess it does not trigger a rendering.我不知道 useSelector 的行为,但我猜它不会触发渲染。 Maybe you could have a useEffect with offices as dependency , just be careful not to loop !也许你可以有一个 useEffect 与 office 作为依赖,只是要小心不要循环!

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