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如何从 ADF 复制数据活动中获取给定列的最大值

[英]How to get max of a given column from ADF Copy Data activity

I have a copy data activity for on-premise SQL Server as source and ADLS Gen2 as sink.我有一个本地 SQL 服务器作为源和 ADLS Gen2 作为接收器的复制数据活动。 There is a control table to pickup tableName, watermarkDateColumn and the watermarkDatetime to pull incremental data from the source database.有一个控制表来拾取 tableName、watermarkDateColumn 和 watermarkDatetime 从源数据库中提取增量数据。

After data is pulled/loaded in sink, I want to get the max of the watermarkDateColumn in my dataset.在接收器中提取/加载数据后,我想在我的数据集中获取 watermarkDateColumn 的最大值。 Can it be obtained from @activity('copyActivity1').output ?可以从@activity('copyActivity1').output吗?

I'm not allowed to use one extra lookup activity to query the source table for getting the max(watermarkDateColumn) in pipeline.我不允许使用一个额外的查找活动来查询源表以获取管道中的 max(watermarkDateColumn)。

Copy activity only could be used for data transmission,not for any other aggregation feature.复制活动只能用于数据传输,不能用于任何其他聚合功能。 So @activity('copyActivity1').output won't help.所以 @activity('copyActivity1').output 无济于事。 Since you said you can't use lookup activity, i'm afraid your requirement is not available so far.既然你说你不能使用查找活动,恐怕你的要求到目前为止不可用。

If you prefer not using additional activities, I suggest you using Data Flow Activity instead which is more flexible.There is built-in aggregation feature in the Data Flow Activity.如果你不想使用额外的活动,我建议你使用数据流活动,它更灵活。数据流活动中有内置的聚合功能。


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