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[英]How to secure webpages in ASP.Net with roles?

In my application I have different roles and offcourse multiple pages. 在我的应用程序中,我有不同的角色,并且课程多页。 How do I secure webpages that may not be accessed by certain roles? 如何保护某些角色可能无法访问的网页?

Imagine group 1 has access to webpage a.aspx, b.aspx and c.aspx but not to webpage d.aspx. 想象一下,组1可以访问网页a.aspx,b.aspx和c.aspx,但不能访问网页d.aspx。 How do i secure that when a user of group 1 types in d.aspx he cannot view the page? 如何确保当第1组的用户键入d.aspx时,他无法查看页面?

You have to add in web.config, which Role can get which page. 您必须添加web.config,哪个Role可以获取哪个页面。

<location path="yourPage.aspx">
            <deny users="?"/>
            <allow roles="Super Admin"/>
                            <deny users="Admin"/>


This might help you. 这可能对您有帮助。

Authorization module which applies authorization to matching urls: http://code.google.com/p/talifun-web/wiki/RegexUrlAuthorizationModule 将授权应用于匹配网址的授权模块: http : //code.google.com/p/talifun-web/wiki/RegexUrlAuthorizationModule

This is a big topic but I think what you want to look into is the ASP.NET Membership Provider. 这是一个很大的话题,但是我认为您要研究的是ASP.NET Membership Provider。

I would start here: Examining ASP.NET 2.0's Membership, Roles, and Profile . 我将从这里开始: 检查ASP.NET 2.0的成员资格,角色和配置文件

There's one thing messageboard websites, eCommerce websites, social network websites, and portal websites share in common: they all provide user accounts. 留言板网站,电子商务网站,社交网络网站和门户网站有一个共同点:它们都提供用户帐户。 These websites, and many others, allow (or require) visitors to create an account in order to utilize certain functionality. 这些网站以及许多其他网站都允许(或要求)访问者创建一个帐户,以利用某些功能。 For example, a messageboard website, like ASPMessageboard.com, allows anonymous and authenticated visitors to view and search the posts in the various forums. 例如,留言板网站(如ASPMessageboard.com)允许匿名和经过身份验证的访问者查看和搜索各种论坛中的帖子。 However, in order to be able to post a new thread or reply to a message a visitor must have an account and must log into the site. 但是,为了能够发布新主题或回复消息,访问者必须拥有一个帐户,并且必须登录该站点。

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