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我正在寻找一种更快的方法来遍历超过 150,000 行

[英]I am looking for a faster way to loop through over 150,000 rows

I am currently attempting optimise a set of 4 variables which can have any value between 0.01 and 0.97, the total of these 4 variables must equal 1. Eventually these 4 variables will need to be entered into the spreadsheet in order to return an output (this is a cell in the spreadsheet), ideally I would like to store this output against the 4 inputted variables.我目前正在尝试优化一组 4 个变量,它们的值可以介于 0.01 和 0.97 之间,这 4 个变量的总和必须等于 1。最终需要将这 4 个变量输入到电子表格中才能返回 output(这是电子表格中的一个单元格),理想情况下我想将这个 output 存储在 4 个输入变量中。

My first step was to attempt to find all the combinations possible;我的第一步是尝试找到所有可能的组合。 I did this in a very basic form which took over an hour and returned around 150,000 rows.我以非常基本的形式完成了此操作,耗时一个多小时并返回了大约 150,000 行。 Next I attempted to store the variables in a class before adding them to a collection but this was still quite slow.接下来,我尝试将变量存储在 class 中,然后再将它们添加到集合中,但这仍然很慢。 My next step was to add them into a multi dimensional array but this was just as slow as the collection method.我的下一步是将它们添加到多维数组中,但这与收集方法一样慢。 I have already added Application.ScreenUpdating = False and found that Application.Calculation = xlManual made no difference in this case.我已经添加了Application.ScreenUpdating = False并发现Application.Calculation = xlManual在这种情况下没有任何区别。

Does anyone have any advice on how to make this quicker?有没有人对如何使这个更快有任何建议?

This would need to be repeated a fair amount so ideally wouldn't take an hour to produce all the combinations.这需要大量重复,因此理想情况下不需要一个小时来产生所有组合。 I haven't included the part about getting an output as the first step is way too slow and storing those results will use the same process as getting the combinations.我没有包括关于获取 output 的部分,因为第一步太慢了,存储这些结果将使用与获取组合相同的过程。 I added the secondselapsed after the 3rd next as this takes about 32 seconds and is easier to test with.我在第三次下一个之后添加了 secondselapsed,因为这大约需要 32 秒并且更容易测试。

My code example using arrays is here:我使用 arrays 的代码示例在这里:

Sub WDLPerfA()
StartTime = Timer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

NoRows = 0
Dim combos()
ReDim combos(NoRows, 1)

'Looping through variables
For a = 1 To 97
    For b = 1 To 97
        For c = 1 To 97
            For d = 1 To 97

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Total = a + b + c + d

If Total = 100 Then

    If NoRows = 0 Then GoTo Line1
        ElseIf NoRows > 0 Then
        NoRows = NoRows + 1
        ReDim combos(NoRows, 1)

combo = a & "," & b & "," & c & "," & d
combos(NoRows, 0) = combo

Else: GoTo Line2
End If

SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
Debug.Print SecondsElapsed

End Sub

As an test, I used a Collection to capture all of the combinations to add up to your target value and then stored all those combinations on a worksheet.作为测试,我使用Collection来捕获所有组合以添加到您的目标值,然后将所有这些组合存储在工作表中。 It didn't take anywhere near an hour.用了不到一个小时。

You don't need GoTo and you don't need to disable ScreenUpdating .您不需要GoTo也不需要禁用ScreenUpdating But you should always use Option Explicit (read this explanation for why).但是您应该始终使用Option Explicit (请阅读此解释了解原因)。

The combination loop test is simple:组合循环测试很简单:

Option Explicit

Sub FourCombos()
    Const MAX_COUNT As Long = 97
    Const TARGET_VALUE As Long = 100

    Dim combos As Collection
    Set combos = New Collection

    Dim a As Long
    Dim b As Long
    Dim c As Long
    Dim d As Long

    For a = 1 To MAX_COUNT
        For b = 1 To MAX_COUNT
            For c = 1 To MAX_COUNT
                For d = 1 To MAX_COUNT
                    If (a + b + c + d = TARGET_VALUE) Then
                        combos.Add a & "," & b & "," & c & "," & d
                    End If
                Next d
            Next c
        Next b
    Next a

    Debug.Print "calc time elapsed = " & FormattedTimeElapsed()
    Debug.Print "number of combos  = " & combos.Count

    Dim results As Variant
    ReDim results(1 To combos.Count, 1 To 4)

    For a = 1 To combos.Count
        Dim combo As Variant
        combo = Split(combos.Item(a), ",")
        results(a, 1) = combo(0)
        results(a, 2) = combo(1)
        results(a, 3) = combo(2)
        results(a, 4) = combo(3)
    Next a
    Sheet1.Range("A1").Resize(combos.Count, 4).Value = results
    Debug.Print "results to sheet1 time elapsed = " & FormattedTimeElapsed()

End Sub

I used a high-performance timer in a separate module to measure the timing.我在一个单独的模块中使用了一个高性能计时器来测量时间。 On my system the results were在我的系统上,结果是

calc time elapsed = 1.774 seconds
number of combos  = 156849
results to sheet1 time elapsed = 3.394 minutes

The timer code module is定时器代码模块是

Option Explicit

' For Precision Counter methods
Private Type LargeInteger
    lowpart As Long
    highpart As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib _
                         "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LargeInteger) As Long
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib _
                         "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LargeInteger) As Long

Private counterStart As LargeInteger
Private counterEnd As LargeInteger
Private crFrequency As Double

Private Const TWO_32 = 4294967296#               ' = 256# * 256# * 256# * 256#

' Precision Timer Controls
' from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/198702/4717755
Private Function LI2Double(lgInt As LargeInteger) As Double
    '--- converts LARGE_INTEGER to Double
    Dim low As Double
    low = lgInt.lowpart
    If low < 0 Then
        low = low + TWO_32
    End If
    LI2Double = lgInt.highpart * TWO_32 + low
End Function

Public Sub StartCounter()
    '--- Captures the high precision counter value to use as a starting
    '    reference time.
    Dim perfFrequency As LargeInteger
    QueryPerformanceFrequency perfFrequency
    crFrequency = LI2Double(perfFrequency)
    QueryPerformanceCounter counterStart
End Sub

Public Function TimeElapsed() As Double
    '--- Returns the time elapsed since the call to StartCounter in microseconds
    If crFrequency = 0# Then
        Err.Raise Number:=11, _
                  Description:="Must call 'StartCounter' in order to avoid " & _
                                "divide by zero errors."
    End If
    Dim crStart As Double
    Dim crStop As Double
    QueryPerformanceCounter counterEnd
    crStart = LI2Double(counterStart)
    crStop = LI2Double(counterEnd)
    TimeElapsed = 1000# * (crStop - crStart) / crFrequency
End Function

Public Function FormattedTimeElapsed() As String
    '--- returns the elapsed time value as above, but in a nicely formatted
    '    string in seconds, minutes, or hours
    Dim result As String
    Dim elapsed As Double
    elapsed = TimeElapsed()
    If elapsed <= 1000 Then
        result = Format(elapsed, "0.000") & " microseconds"
    ElseIf (elapsed > 1000) And (elapsed <= 60000) Then
        result = Format(elapsed / 1000, "0.000") & " seconds"
    ElseIf (elapsed > 60000) And (elapsed < 3600000) Then
        result = Format(elapsed / 60000, "0.000") & " minutes"
        result = Format(elapsed / 3600000, "0.000") & " hours"
    End If
    FormattedTimeElapsed = result
End Function

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