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在 R Shiny 中设置相对链接/锚点

[英]Set relative link / anchor in R Shiny

在此处输入图像描述 I would like to create a drillable graphic that links to other places in my Shiny App.我想创建一个可钻取的图形,链接到我的 Shiny 应用程序中的其他地方。


ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title="My Fitness Dashboard",titleWidth =400),
dashboardSidebar(width = 240,
                 sidebarMenu(startExpanded = TRUE,
                             menuItem(text = 'Overview', 
                                      tabName = "fitDash"),
                             menuItem(text = 'Floors', 
                                      tabName = "floors")
                 )), #close dashboardSidebar
        tabItem(tabName = 'fitDash',
        ), #close tabItem

        tabItem(tabName = 'floorsUp',
                    column(width = 10,
                           box(width = 12, 
                               textOutput('floorsClimbed') #plot comments
                           ) #close box
                    )  #close column
                ) #close fluidRow
        ) #close tabItem
    ) #close tabItems
) #close dashboardBody
) #close dashboardPage

###### Server logic required to draw plots####
server <- function(input, output, session) {

output$dashboard <- renderUI({

             tags$area(shape ="rect", coords="130,250,240,150", alt="floors", href="https://www.w3schools.com"), 
             #tags$area(shape ="rect", coords="130,250,240,150", alt="floors", href="/floorsClimbed"), 
             tags$img(src = 'fitbit1.jpg', alt = 'System Indicators', usemap = '#fitMap') 
            ) #close tags$map

output$floorsClimbed <- renderText({ 
    "I walked up 12 floors today!"

} #close server function

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

The following line works perfectly to link to an external site:以下行完美地链接到外部站点:

tags$area(shape ="rect", coords="130,250,240,150", alt="floors", href="https://www.w3schools.com")

However, I would actually like to internally link to the "floorsUp" tab with something like:但是,我实际上想在内部链接到“floorsUp”选项卡,如下所示:

tags$area(shape ="rect", coords="130,250,240,150", alt="floors", href="/floorsUp")


You could add an onclick listener to your element.您可以将 onclick 侦听器添加到您的元素。 Unfortunately, i can´t reproduce your example, but i modified an example app from the shiny docu.不幸的是,我无法重现您的示例,但我修改了 shiny 文档中的示例应用程序。

You can send a message from javascript to shiny and trigger the javascript code by the onclick listener.您可以从 javascript 向 shiny 发送消息,并通过onclick监听器触发 javascript 代码。

shiny::tags$a("Switch to Widgets", onclick="Shiny.onInputChange('tab', 'widgets');")

The parameters of onInputChange are the id and value . onInputChange的参数是idvalue On the server side you can access the values by input$id .在服务器端,您可以通过input$id访问这些值。 In our case it is input$tab .在我们的例子中,它是input$tab The resulting value would be widgets .结果值将是widgets

Then we can use updateTabItems to update the tabItem:然后我们可以使用updateTabItems来更新 tabItem:

 observeEvent(input$tab, {
    updateTabItems(session, "tabs", input$tab)

Additional details:额外细节:

Note that the input only fires on the server side if the value changes.请注意,如果值更改,输入仅在服务器端触发。 Therefore, we might want to add a stochastic component to the value we send.因此,我们可能希望向我们发送的值添加一个随机分量。

"var message = {id: \"tab\", data: \"widgets\", nonce: Math.random()};
 Shiny.onInputChange('tab', message)")

You can find more infos here: https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/js-send-message.html .您可以在这里找到更多信息: https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/js-send-message.html

Reproducible example:可重现的例子:

ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Simple tabs"),
      id = "tabs",
      menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")),
      menuItem("Widgets", tabName = "widgets", icon = icon("th"))
      tabItem(tabName = "dashboard",
              h5("Click the upper left hand corner of the picture to switch tabs"),
                       tags$area(shape ="rect", coords="10,10,200,300", alt="floors", 
                       onclick="var message = {id: \"tab\", data: \"widgets\", 
                           nonce: Math.random()}; Shiny.onInputChange('tab', message)"), 
                       tags$img(src = 'https://i.stack.imgur.com/U1SsV.jpg', 
                                alt = 'System Indicators', usemap = '#fitMap') 
      tabItem(tabName = "widgets",
              h2("Widgets tab content")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$tab, {
    updateTabItems(session, "tabs", input$tab$data)

shinyApp(ui, server)

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