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使用 Libman 的 FontAwesome Pro

[英]FontAwesome Pro using Libman

How can I use FontAwesome Pro using Libman in Visual Studio?如何在 Visual Studio 中使用 Libman 使用 FontAwesome Pro?

I have access to the following, cdnjs, jsdelivr and unpkg, also file system, but the latter is not ideal.我可以访问以下内容,cdnjs、jsdelivr 和 unpkg,还有文件系统,但后者并不理想。

Where would I put the pro licence key?我应该把专业许可证密钥放在哪里? Is this even supported?这甚至被支持吗?

LibMan doesn't use NPM registries directly (as it's using the CDNs mentioned in your question), so it doesn't have a way to authenticate and download the FontAwesome Pro assets. LibMan 不直接使用 NPM 注册表(因为它使用您问题中提到的 CDN),因此它无法验证和下载 FontAwesome Pro 资产。

You could use an NPM based package manager (NPM, Yarn, etc) and configure it as documented here to get the FontAwesome packages, then you could use the LibMan filesystem provider to place the assets where you want them within your project.您可以使用基于 NPM 的 package 管理器(NPM、Yarn 等)并按照此处记录的方式对其进行配置以获取 FontAwesome 包,然后您可以使用 LibMan 文件系统提供程序将资产放置在项目中您想要的位置。

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