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如何使用 windows 10 中的另一个文件夹扩展文件夹,以使两个文件夹中的所有文件都可以从一个路径访问?

[英]How to extend folder with another folder in windows 10, in such way that all files in both folders are accessible from one path?

I have a program that can read only one folder.我有一个程序只能读取一个文件夹。 At different times it needs to look at different folders.在不同的时间,它需要查看不同的文件夹。 I would like to move all same files that exists in all folders to one folder and then 'join' that folder with every folder.我想将所有文件夹中存在的所有相同文件移动到一个文件夹,然后将该文件夹与每个文件夹“加入”。 Program must see files in 'joined' folder as they are in accessed folder because program can have only one access path.程序必须看到“已加入”文件夹中的文件,因为它们位于访问文件夹中,因为程序只能有一个访问路径。 System is Windows 10.系统为 Windows 10。

There isn't a way to merge directories automatically but you can do it with a script to create links in each of the folders you need the shared files in.无法自动合并目录,但您可以使用脚本在需要共享文件的每个文件夹中创建链接。

Ie for each target folder create a link for each file in the shared folder.即为每个目标文件夹为共享文件夹中的每个文件创建一个链接。

You can get help with the for command with "FOR /?"您可以通过“FOR /?”获得有关 for 命令的帮助。 in a command window and learn about links here: The Complete Guide to Creating Symbolic Links (aka Symlinks) on Windows在命令 window 中并在此处了解链接: 在 Windows 上创建符号链接(又名符号链接)的完整指南


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