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压缩 bash 中数字范围的范围

[英]Compress ranges of ranges of numbers in bash

I have a csv file named "ranges.csv", which contains:我有一个名为“ranges.csv”的 csv 文件,其中包含:


I am trying to combine the ranges where the stop_range=start_range-1 and output the result in another csv file named "ranges2.csv".我正在尝试将 stop_range=start_range-1 和 output 的范围合并到另一个名为“ranges2.csv”的 csv 文件中。 So the output will be:所以 output 将是:


Moreover, I need to know how many ranges contains a compress range (example: for the new range 9750000000,9750002999 I need to know that before the compression there were 3 ranges).此外,我需要知道有多少范围包含一个压缩范围(例如:对于新范围9750000000,9750002999 ,我需要知道在压缩之前有 3 个范围)。 This information will help me to create a new csv file named "ranges3.csv" which should contain only the range with the most ranges inside it (the most comprehensive area):此信息将帮助我创建一个名为“ranges3.csv”的新 csv 文件,该文件应仅包含其中范围最多的范围(最全面的区域):


I was thinking about something like this:我在想这样的事情:

if (stop_range = start_range-1)  
  new_stop_range = start_range-1  

But I am not very smart and I am new to bash scripting.但我不是很聪明,而且我是 bash 脚本的新手。
I know how to output the results in another file but the function for what I need gives me headaches.我知道如何 output 将结果保存在另一个文件中,但是 function 让我头疼。

Assuming your ranges are sorted, then this code gives you the merged ranges only:假设您的范围已排序,则此代码仅为您提供合并的范围:

awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}
     (FNR>1) && ($1!=e+1){print b,e; b=e="" }
     ($1==e+1){ e=$2; next }
     { b=$1; e=$2 }
     END { print b,e }' file    

Below you get the same but with the range count:下面你得到相同但范围计数:

awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}
     (FNR>1) && ($1!=e+1){print b,e,c; b=e=c="" }
     ($1==e+1){ e=$2; c++; next }
     { b=$1; e=$2; c=1 }
     END { print b,e,c }' file

If you want the largest one, you can sort on the third column.如果你想要最大的,你可以在第三列排序。 I don't want to make a rule to give the range with the most counts, as there might be multiple.我不想制定规则来给出计数最多的范围,因为可能有多个。

If you really only want all the ranges with the maximum merge:如果您真的只想要最大合并的所有范围:

awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}
     (FNR>1) && ($1!=e+1){ 
        a[c] = a[c] (a[c]?ORS:"") b OFS e
     ($1==e+1){ e=$2; c++; next }
     { b=$1; e=$2; c=1 }
     END { a[c] = a[c] (a[c]?ORS:"") b OFS e
           print a[m]
     }' file

I think this does the trick:我认为这可以解决问题:


awk '
  BEGIN { FS = OFS = ","}
  NR == 2 {
    start = $1; stop = $2; i = 1
  NR > 2 {
    if ($1 == (stop + 1)) {
      stop = $2
    } else {
      if (++i > max) {
        maxr = start "," stop;
        max = i
      start = $1
      i = 0
    stop = $2
  END { 
    if (++i > max) {
      maxr =  start "," stop;
    print maxr
' ranges.csv

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