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消费者无法连接到 amqp || Celery

[英]Consumer cannot connect to amqp || Celery

In production server, I am getting the following error in celery console which never happened before.在生产服务器中,我在 celery 控制台中收到以下错误,这是以前从未发生过的。 I found the same issue in other posts, they are saying give valid url but the url i have given in settings.py is very much valid.我在其他帖子中发现了同样的问题,他们说给出有效的 url 但我在 settings.py 中给出的 url 非常有效。

Also Rabbitmq is active. Rabbitmq 也处于活动状态。

[2020-05-13 16:47:01,945: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://admin:**@site_name:5672//: timed out.
Trying again in 16.00 seconds...

Please suggest a workaround as i am stuck with it from very long time.请提出一个解决方法,因为我很长时间以来都坚持使用它。

I have also tried celery several times我也试过几次 celery

The issue is now resolved.该问题现已解决。

Turned out that the url name resolution site_name is not getting connected in the server.原来 url 名称解析site_name未在服务器中连接。 i changed it to localhost and its working fine now.我将其更改为 localhost 并且现在可以正常工作。



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