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Vue.js 输入一个字符后输入字段失去焦点

[英]Vue.js Input field loses focus after entry of one character

My vue.js-bound input box loses its focus after any keypress.我的 vue.js 绑定输入框在任何按键后都会失去焦点。 I found this similar question, but it doesn't really help me, as I don't use any keys.我发现了这个类似的问题,但它并没有真正帮助我,因为我不使用任何键。 Here's my template code:这是我的模板代码:

<DxColumn data-field="width"
          cell-template="width-settings" />

<!-- ... -->

<template #width-settings="cell">
        <CSwitch :checked.sync="cell.data.data.width.set" size="sm" color="success" />
        <div class="input-group input-group-sm" v-if="cell.data.data.width.set">
            <input type="text" v-model="cell.data.data.width.width" class="form-control text-right" placeholder="auto" />
            <select v-model="cell.data.data.width.unit" class="input-group-append custom-select custom-select-sm">
                <option value="">Bitte wählen</option>
                <option value="DEL">Nicht festlegen</option>
                <optgroup label="Absolute Einheiten">
                    <option value="cm">Zentimeter</option>
                    <option value="mm">Millimeter</option>
                    <option value="in">Zoll</option>
                    <option value="px">Pixel</option>
                <optgroup label="Relative Einheiten">
                    <option value="em">-fache der Schriftgröße</option>
                    <option value="%">% des Bildschirms</option>

This is part of a DevExtreme dxDataGrid cell definition.这是 DevExtreme dxDataGrid 单元定义的一部分。 How can I prevent the field from losing it's focus every time?如何防止该领域每次都失去焦点?

It's a bit hard to tell what is going on with this code only , so I'm going to take a guess.仅使用此代码很难判断发生了什么,所以我要猜测一下。

I see the input has v-model="cell.data.data.width.width" and a parent has v-if="cell.data.data.width.set" while that shouldn't cause issues, and it may be possible that there may be other similar conditionals, I believe the change in v-model is triggering a re-render.我看到输入有v-model="cell.data.data.width.width"和父有v-if="cell.data.data.width.set"而这不应该引起问题,它可能可能还有其他类似的条件,我相信v-model的变化正在触发重新渲染。 If that is the case, I think you may be able to resolve it by adding a key to the input.如果是这种情况,我认为您可以通过在输入中添加一个键来解决它。 Something that doesn't change, ideally something like cell.data.data.width.id不会改变的东西,最好是像cell.data.data.width.id

TL;DR; TL;博士;

Give the input a key给输入一个键

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