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如何在 Windows 服务器中部署 laravel

[英]How to deploy the laravel in Windows server

I have installed and run laravel in my windows server(hosted server) with the use of "php artisan serve" command.我已经使用“php artisan serve”命令在我的 windows 服务器(托管服务器)中安装并运行了 laravel。 It worked well with "http:localhost:8000" inside the server but when I try with public url of server like "http:example.com:8000" it doesn't worked for me.它与服务器内的“http:localhost:8000”配合得很好,但是当我尝试使用服务器的公共 url 时,比如“http:example.com:8000”,它对我不起作用。

I couldn't understand.Inside the windows server worked fine but outside not working.我无法理解。在 windows 服务器内部工作正常,但外部不工作。

Also I checked the firewall with the 8000 port, no issue.我还用 8000 端口检查了防火墙,没问题。

edit hosts file and add domain to local编辑主机文件并将域添加到本地 example.com

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