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确保 useState() 挂钩已被 useEffect 挂钩更新?

[英]Making sure that useState() hook has been updated by useEffect hook?

I refactored my code to use useEffect hook instead of using class, but I'm getting a memory leak on the refresh of my results.我重构了我的代码以使用 useEffect 挂钩而不是使用 class,但我在刷新结果时遇到了 memory 泄漏。 I did use useEffect but I still get a an error message, not sure where I'm making a mistake in my code.我确实使用了 useEffect 但我仍然收到一条错误消息,不确定我的代码哪里出错了。

I get the following error:我收到以下错误:

Warning: State updates from the useState() and useReducer() Hooks don't support the second callback argument.警告:State 来自 useState() 和 useReducer() 挂钩的更新不支持第二个回调参数。 To execute a side effect after rendering, declare it in the component body with useEffect().要在渲染后执行副作用,请使用 useEffect() 在组件主体中声明它。

      import React, { useEffect, useState} from 'react';
      import { FlatList, View, TouchableHighlight } from 'react-native';
      import { USANews } from '../components/fetchNews';
      import Article from '../components/Article';

      const  homeScreen = ({ handleRefresh, navigation, }) => {
        const [state, setState] = useState({articles: [], refreshing: true});

        useEffect (() => {
        }, )

        const fetchNews = () => {
          USANews() .then(articles => {
              setState({ articles, refreshing: false });
            .catch(() => setState({ refreshing: false }));

        handleRefresh = () => {
          setState({ refreshing: true }, () => fetchNews());

          return (
            <View style={{backgroundColor: '#fffafa'}}>
              keyExtractor={item => item.url}
              renderItem ={({item}) => {
                return (
                <TouchableHighlight onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Detail', 
                {title: item.title, description: item.description, urlToImage: item.urlToImage})}
                <Article article={item} />


      export default homeScreen;

Remove the extra parameter from setState({ refreshing: true }, () => fetchNews()) in handleRefresh .handleRefresh中的setState({ refreshing: true }, () => fetchNews())中删除额外参数。

Perhaps also add state to a dependency array in the effect so it only runs when state updates, unless you want the fetch to occur anytime the component renders.也许还可以将state添加到效果中的依赖项数组,这样它仅在state更新时运行,除非您希望在组件呈现的任何时候进行提取。

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