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HttpClient POST Protobuf ByteArray 到 ASP.NET 核心 Web API

[英]HttpClient POST Protobuf ByteArray to ASP.NET Core Web API

I am struggling to send some protobuf binary data to get back some other binary data.我正在努力发送一些 protobuf 二进制数据以取回一些其他二进制数据。

The code is the following:代码如下:


HttpClient client = new HttpClient
    BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:44302/")

// "Credentials" is a proto message
Credentials cred = new Credentials()
    Email = "my@email.com",
    Password = "mypassword"

var content = new ByteArrayContent(cred.ToByteArray());
var response = await client.PostAsync("api/database", content);


public async Task<IActionResult> Post(ByteArrayContent data)
    Credentials c = Credentials.Parser.ParseFrom(await data.ReadAsByteArrayAsync());

    // Get user from database, etc, etc...

    // "user" being another proto defined message
    return File(user.ToByteArray(), "application/octet-stream");

The thing is it doesn't even get to the server Post method.问题是它甚至没有到达服务器Post方法。 It fails directly to the client.PostAsync one.它直接失败到client.PostAsync之一。 I get the Unsupported Media Type error:我收到不支持的媒体类型错误: 不支持的媒体类型

I even tried the:我什至尝试过:

content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/octet-stream");

Doesn't work...不工作...

All the answers I find to this issue are either old ( This is the method I'm failing to apply ) or have some weird Base64 string Json encoded serialization I absolutely want to avoid...我对这个问题找到的所有答案要么是旧的(这是我未能应用的方法),要么有一些奇怪的 Base64 字符串 Json 编码序列化我绝对想避免......

There also are some protobuf-net related answer but I want to avoid any thirdparty package.还有一些与protobuf-net相关的答案,但我想避免使用任何第三方 package。

Ok, finally got to find the solution.好的,终于找到解决方案了。 Issue was in the controller.问题出在 controller 中。 Way to do is:做法是:

public async Task<IActionResult> LogIn()
    Credentials cred = Credentials.Parser.ParseFrom(Utils.ReadRequestBody(Request));
    // Use cred...

with method:用方法:

public static byte[] ReadStream(in Stream input)
    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
        return ms.ToArray();

public static byte[] ReadRequestBody(in HttpRequest request)
    using (Stream stream = request.BodyReader.AsStream()) // Package "System.IO.Pipelines" needed here
        return ReadStream(stream);

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