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[英]How can I make a Card height extend based on content?

I am creating a Card which has a header and a grid view of photos.我正在创建一张具有 header 和照片网格视图的Card Below is the code:下面是代码:

_getImageWidget(Post post, AppConfig config) {
    if (post.photoPaths != null && post.photoPaths.length > 0) {
      var url = config.imagePathDomain + post.photoPaths[0];
      try {
        return Expanded(
            child: GridView.count(
                crossAxisCount: 3,
                shrinkWrap: false,
                children: post.photoPaths.map<Widget>((String path) {
                  return CachedNetworkImage(
                    imageUrl: url,
      } catch (err) {
        return Container();
    return Container();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    var config = AppConfig.of(context);
    return BlocBuilder<UserInfoBloc, UserInfo>(builder: (_, userInfo) {
      return Container(
          width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
          child: Card(
              child: Column(children: <Widget>[
              children: <Widget>[
                  iconSize: 30,
                  icon: roundImage(post.userPicture, Icon(Icons.person)),
                  onPressed: () {},
            this._getImageWidget(post, config),

The header in the Card is a Row includes a IconButton and Text .卡片中的 header 是一个包含IconButtonTextRow The body of the Card is a gridview which includes a few photo. Card的主体是 gridview,其中包括一些照片。

Below is the screenshot when I run the code.下面是我运行代码时的屏幕截图。 You can see that the photo is shown only a half.您可以看到照片只显示了一半。 And I can scroll vertically on the grid view.我可以在网格视图上垂直滚动。 The number of photos is dynamic which means there could be many rows of photos in the GridView .照片的数量是动态的,这意味着GridView中可能有很多行照片。 How can I make the Card extend based on its children?如何使Card于其子级扩展?


Try using a fixed size container and using the BoxFit property on the container.尝试使用固定大小的容器并使用容器上的BoxFit属性。

Something like this:像这样的东西:

new Container(
    width: 80.0,
    height: 80.0,
    decoration: new BoxDecoration(
        shape: BoxShape.rectangle,
        image: new DecorationImage(
            fit: BoxFit.fill,
            image: CachedNetworkImageProvider(url),

Edit : Try to remove itemExtent from ListView.builder编辑:尝试从ListView.builder中删除itemExtent

By simply setting your CachedNetwork image to use a fit: BoxFit.cover that will resize to fill the content while preserving ratio (this means you may lose some of its details) or fit: BoxFit.contain that will try to be as big as possible while containing the entire source (image) within the bounds.通过简单地将您的CachedNetwork图像设置为使用fit: BoxFit.cover将调整大小以填充内容同时保留比例(这意味着您可能会丢失一些细节)或fit: BoxFit.contain将尝试尽可能大同时包含边界内的整个源(图像)。

If that doesn't help as well (as I'm not seeing the entire tree so I'm not sure about the ancestors of your Card ) you can also replace the return of your BlocBuilder 's child to be a FittedBox instead of a Container and apply the same logic for the fit property, but for the whole card instead.如果这也没有帮助(因为我没有看到整个树,所以我不确定您Card的祖先)您还可以将BlocBuilder的孩子的返回替换为FittedBox而不是Container并为fit属性应用相同的逻辑,但适用于整个卡片。

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