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尝试在 odoo 8 上安装网站构建器应用程序时出错

[英]Error while trying to install website builder app on odoo 8

I was able to install that website builder app before, but it was long ago.我之前能够安装该网站构建器应用程序,但那是很久以前的事了。 And when I try to install it again, it gives me this error当我尝试再次安装它时,它给了我这个错误

ParseError: "insert or update on table "website" violates foreign key constraint "website_user_id_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (user_id)=(3) is not present in table "res_users"

Please let me know if I need to post the full error log.如果我需要发布完整的错误日志,请告诉我。 Thank you.谢谢你。

Had this error many times, the only way I was able to bypass the error was to delete the record causing the error.多次出现此错误,我能够绕过错误的唯一方法是删除导致错误的记录。

The error message is pretty straight forward, there is a record in website module with user_id=3, while there is no user in res_users with the id 3. try to look up the record with user_id=3 in website and delete it.错误信息非常直接,网站模块中有一条 user_id=3 的记录,而 res_users 中没有 id 为 3 的用户。尝试在网站中查找 user_id=3 的记录并将其删除。

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