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我应该如何测试 akka-streams RestartingSource 的使用

[英]How should I test akka-streams RestartingSource usage

I'm working on an application that has a couple of long-running streams going, where it subscribes to data about a certain entity and processes that data.我正在开发一个应用程序,该应用程序有几个长时间运行的流,它订阅有关某个实体的数据并处理该数据。 These streams should be up 24/7, so we needed to handle failures (network issues etc).这些流应该是 24/7,所以我们需要处理故障(网络问题等)。

For that purpose, we've wrapped our sources in RestartingSource .为此,我们将源包装在RestartingSource中。

I'm now trying to verify this behaviour, and while it looks like it functions, I'm struggling to create a test where I push in some data, verify that it processes correctly, then send an error, and verify that it reconnects after that and continues processing.我现在正在尝试验证这种行为,虽然它看起来可以正常工作,但我正在努力创建一个测试,在其中我推送一些数据,验证它是否正确处理,然后发送一个错误,并验证它是否在之后重新连接并继续处理。

I've boiled that down to this minimal case:我把它归结为这个最小的情况:

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{RestartSource, Sink, Source}
import akka.stream.testkit.TestPublisher
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

class MinimalSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with Eventually {

  "restarting a failed source" should "be testable" in {
    implicit val sys: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("akka-grpc-measurements-for-test")
    implicit val mat: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
    implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = sys.dispatcher

    val probe = TestPublisher.probe[Int]()
    val restartingSource = RestartSource
      .onFailuresWithBackoff(1 second, 1 minute, 0d) { () => Source.fromPublisher(probe) }

    var last: Int = 0
    val sink = Sink.foreach { l: Int => last = l }



    eventually {
      last shouldBe 1


    eventually {
      last shouldBe 2

    probe.sendError(new RuntimeException("boom"))



    eventually {
      last shouldBe 3


This test consistently fails on the last eventually block with Last failure message: 2 was not equal to 3 .该测试在最后一个eventually块上始终失败,并显示Last failure message: 2 was not equal to 3 What am I missing here?我在这里想念什么?

Edit: akka version is 2.5.31编辑:akka 版本为2.5.31

I figured it out after having had a look at the TestPublisher code .在查看了TestPublisher 代码后,我想通了。 Its subscription is a lazy val .它的订阅是一个lazy val So when RestartSource detects the error, and executes the factory method () => Source.fromPublisher(probe) again, it gets a new Source , but the subscription of the probe is still pointing to the old Source .所以当RestartSource检测到错误,再次执行工厂方法() => Source.fromPublisher(probe)时,会得到一个新的Source ,但是probesubscription仍然指向旧的Source Changing the code to initialize both a new Source and TestPublisher works.更改代码以初始化新的SourceTestPublisher有效。

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