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如何使用 grafana 和 prometheus 计算正常运行时间的百分比

[英]How to calculate percentage of uptime using grafana and prometheus

Currently I am calculating uptime % using below query.目前我正在使用以下查询计算正常运行时间百分比。

But if I try to test by restarting a service that is if i restart at 11:00 and if i try to test at 11:05 it should show 100% availability, but in my case it is not showing that way.但是,如果我尝试通过重新启动服务来进行测试,即如果我在 11:00 重新启动,并且如果我尝试在 11:05 进行测试,它应该显示 100% 的可用性,但在我的情况下,它并没有这样显示。

Please help out with correct calculation for uptime %请帮助正确计算正常运行时间百分比


avg_over_time(up{instance="$instance", job!="jobid"}[${__range_s}s])*100

I use this query: avg_over_time(availability:max_uptime:percentage{service=~"$applications"}[$__range])我使用这个查询:avg_over_time(availability:max_uptime:percentage{service=~"$applications"}[$__range])

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