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passport-azure-ad 始终重定向到 failureRedirect 但未显示错误(nodejs)

[英]passport-azure-ad always redirect to failureRedirect but no error shown (nodejs)

following this tutorial I have build my azure ad login to use the graph api https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/tutorials/node?tutorial-step=3在本教程之后,我构建了我的 azure 广告登录以使用图表 api https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/tutorials/node?

The response from azure looks got to me and I can't find any error message but it always triggers the failure redirect and therefore it does not proceed with the signInComplete function.来自 azure 的响应看起来给我,我找不到任何错误消息,但它总是触发失败重定向,因此它不会继续执行 signInComplete function。

I was not able to figure out what's wrong.我无法弄清楚出了什么问题。 Any hint where I could look to at least to get an idea what triggered the failureRedirect?任何提示我至少可以了解是什么触发了 failureRedirect?

// Callback function called once the sign-in is complete
// and an access token has been obtained
async function signInComplete(iss, sub, profile, accessToken, refreshToken, params, done) {
    logger.debug("signInComplete function called")
    if (!profile.oid) {
        logger.error("No OID found in user profile.")
        return done(new Error("No OID found in user profile."));

    return done(null);
// Configure OIDC strategy
passport.use(new OIDCStrategy(
        identityMetadata: `${config.OAUTH_AUTHORITY}${config.OAUTH_ID_METADATA}`,
        clientID: config.OAUTH_APP_ID,
        responseType: 'code id_token',
        responseMode: 'form_post',
        redirectUrl: config.OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI,
        allowHttpForRedirectUrl: true,
        clientSecret: config.OAUTH_APP_PASSWORD,
        validateIssuer: false,
        passReqToCallback: false,
        scope: config.OAUTH_SCOPES.split(' '),
        loggingLevel: 'warn'
office365Signin:  function (req, res, next) {
            response: res,
            prompt: 'login',
            failureRedirect: '/',
            failureFlash: true,
            successRedirect: '/'
office365SigninCallback: function(req, res, next) {
        response: res,
        failureRedirect: process.env.FRONTEND_URL+'fail',
        failureFlash: true,
        successRedirect: process.env.FRONTEND_URL
    )(req,res, next);
    //failureRedirect gets always trigger even if the req.body looks correct and no error message is send
    //Therefore we just check the body and trigger next if the body looks correct
    var util = require('util');
    logger.debug("office365SigninCallback res: "+util.inspect(res.req.body));
    if (res.req.body.code && res.req.body.id_token) {
        logger.debug("req.body seems correct there");

Logger office365SigninCallback res.req.body output:记录器 office365SigninCallback res.req.body output:

office365SigninCallback res: { code:   'OAQABAAIAAAAm-06blBE1TpVMil8KPQ41qTM1deUhK_bLgEaGpsiIg5_3sa0ZNEBusd3m4rpBCrXflEsSvEtyjWWzqDhQ_9MybvYdqiR5B2FB59Msd7g8uL5YFcAExrGDqLzYo8xVIaZexHej_K3gDdJFfXbZZsiL6umdepdEXa1pyPIv4S8xVRHPcTyoB80RxpPp97uBCZagR7WstIF0QkfauUxklwlmOygAWjFvIMTuSijkkVZZ-04MbSX6wT3vBwJmQ2-kj6x_W_9fdCbYtdavgR6ZlYKtdiAxVm-3qULweEfvFo8RVC5xV2wdaPKqqYh41lcAq_1NHCiTdUcmmxbk8177WGzabDbH-rM-jRzORamSbLg_0vF48KWqu9zSgiCTX4RW556akFo6pcSkpriJWZH1aVl1cSMTWM64zb9tRM08O7hJ9YyFGTM-n6RpIiA3h9-Xh1E_TEZ8sG0noVId3yN8-gJXZ-pEB7Bur8s5C3DFOOlPgqgdEDj16tM8Wg0RinaL8P1BJ18k_Y_pr-huHMzhKaVCLYCX1Urq8fDomv0UAVchDQNIjdQ5PfiiYIT-0GYYzR5BB_5wGKJgwZypae89RRXpNJw-XOY5dv10jsUk3jEHRXW5xle2HtpM5DgCs6VbuxwVuaJfrRhfNdy7WkoOT3caV-4qTYfpfqwKvX_YtdD15RMpg-BVZQyI8b12meomlHdRi2aiqwqpTfJas0mrE7jHeScQErWx0qWAhvnZS8JJbauJGbXvjCbl2Tcoh19ngaggAA',
  state: 'GNy7cIjlBvfga4FhQiapnWnDAn8itXtk',
  session_state: 'c88bace3-4039-9922-6f06-dcd6ba1a62ac' }

Based on the documentation the response looks correct to me: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow根据文档,我的响应看起来是正确的: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow

I am grabbing this code straight from one of my projects in production.我直接从我的一个生产项目中获取此代码。 I was facing a similar problem before but it kind of resolved by itself when we were tweaking the done callback for some reason.我之前遇到过类似的问题,但是当我们出于某种原因调整done回调时,它会自行解决。

Maybe this can serve as an example.也许这可以作为一个例子。

Passport.js Passport.js

'use strict';
const passport = require('passport');
const OIDCStrategy = require('passport-azure-ad').OIDCStrategy;

//Custom Modules
const msService = require('./msService');
const DB_Connection = require('../dbConnection');

//DB Setting
const User_DB = DB_Connection.model('user');

//Winston Logger
const logger = require('../log');
const passLog = logger.get('passportLog');

//Azure AD Creds
const loginCredentials = require('../creds/oicdCreds');

// Session
//Take in outlook id => keep the session data small
passport.serializeUser((outlookid, done) => {
    done(null, outlookid);
//Deserialize when needed by querying the DB for full user details
passport.deserializeUser((outlookid, done) => {
    User_DB.findOne({ outlookId: outlookid })
        .then(user => {
            done(null, user);
        .catch(err => passLog.error(`Error Deserializing User: ${outlookid}:` + ' ' + err));

//Export the passport module
module.exports = (passport) => {
    passport.use(new OIDCStrategy(loginCredentials,
        //Verify callback for passReqToCallback: false
        (iss, sub, profile, access_token, refresh_token, params, done) => {
            //Get Calendar ID
            msService.getCalId(access_token, calId => {
                //Create or update the user
                User_DB.findOneAndUpdate({ outlookId: profile.oid }, {
                    name: profile.displayName,
                    outlookId: profile.oid,
                    email: profile._json.email,
                    lastLogin: profile._json.ipaddr,
                    accessToken: access_token,
                    calId: calId

                }, { upsert: true, returnNewDocument: false })
                    .catch(err => passLog.error(`Error Adding / Rnewing User: ${profile.oid}:` + ' ' + err));
                //Return Profile ID for Serialization
                done(null, profile.oid);

The routes路线

//AD OpenIdConenct
    //Using MS Azure OpenId Connect strategy (passport)

//Callback Handling
//Using MS Azure OpenId Connect strategy (passport)
router.post('/auth/outlook/callback', passport.authenticate('azuread-openidconnect', { failureRedirect: '/auth/outlook/login' }), (req, res) => {
    client.keys('*', (err, keys) => {
        sessionLog.info(`Login Active Session: ${keys.length}`);


If you come by this in question in google I had the same error, and it turned out I was using the Azure Secret ID, not the Secret Value如果你在谷歌遇到这个问题,我有同样的错误,结果我使用的是 Azure 秘密 ID,而不是秘密

Add loggingNoPII: false to your OIDC strategy, this will print out any errors.loggingNoPII: false添加到您的 OIDC 策略中,这将打印出任何错误。

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