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当我在 Github 上从我的团队克隆此项目时,为什么会收到这些警告/错误。 它只在我的机器上

[英]Why do I get these warnings/errors when I clone this project from my team on Github. It's only on my machine


I cloned the project from my teammates, they don't get this error but I do.我从我的队友那里克隆了这个项目,他们没有收到这个错误,但我有。 Why and how can I fix this?为什么以及如何解决这个问题?

Do you need to install .NET Core 3.0?需要安装.NET Core 3.0吗? Those package warnings are saying there's packages that are incompatible with your project.那些 package 警告是说存在与您的项目不兼容的软件包。 The project target framework for the packages raising the warnings is .NETCoreApp,Version=v3.0引发警告的包的项目目标框架是 .NETCoreApp,Version=v3.0


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