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[英]How to display an image in the BottomNavigationBar in Flutter?

I need to display an image in the navigation bar like this:我需要在导航栏中显示这样的图像: 在此处输入图像描述

but I can't because NavigationBarItem class needs an icon, so when I use ImageIcon widget I lose the colors.但我不能,因为 NavigationBarItem class 需要一个图标,所以当我使用 ImageIcon 小部件时,我丢失了 colors。 There are multiple colors in the image.图像中有多个 colors。

How to show the image in there or a way to make a colorful icon?如何在其中显示图像或制作彩色图标的方法?

And when I use当我使用

                icon: ImageIcon(
                title: Text('Image'),

it look like colored rectangle它看起来像彩色矩形在此处输入图像描述

 color: Color(0xFF3A5A98),

instead of代替

new BottomNavigationBarItem(
           icon: Icon(Icons.home),
           title: Text('Home'),

change to this改成这个

           icon: ImageIcon(
                    color: Color(0xFF3A5A98),
           title: Text('Home'),

so apparently the solution is to use Image.asset('image_path') for icon/activeIcon in BottomNavigationBarItem if you want to display images as bottom bar navigation icons with original color .所以显然解决方案是使用 Image.asset('image_path') for icon/activeIcon in BottomNavigationBarItem 如果您想将图像显示为具有原始颜色的底栏导航图标。

However, it does give an error if your items: const <BottomNavigationBarItem>[] has the keyword const in it.但是,如果您的items: const <BottomNavigationBarItem>[]中包含关键字const ,它确实会出错。 If you remove it you should be able to use Image.asset instead of ImageIcon (which tints to color)如果你删除它,你应该能够使用Image.asset而不是ImageIcon (着色着色)

As @asbah-riyas mentioned it can be done by providing the ImageIcon widget to the icon argument of BottomNavigationBarItem .正如@asbah-riyas 提到的,可以通过将ImageIcon小部件提供给BottomNavigationBarItemicon参数来完成。 Although you don't need to specify the color in it虽然您不需要在其中指定color

You can check or play with it in codepen here.您可以在此处的 codepen 中检查或使用它。

The NavigationBarItem's image property needs a Widget, not an Icon, so I could just use this. NavigationBarItem 的图像属性需要一个小部件,而不是一个图标,所以我可以使用它。 BottomNavigationBarItem(icon: Image.asset('images/symbol.png')),

The correct answer is BottomNavigationBarItem(icon: Image.asset('images/symbol.png')),正确答案是 BottomNavigationBarItem(icon: Image.asset('images/symbol.png')),

Provided you place your png image is images folder and mentioned same as images/image.png in your pubspeq.yaml under assets如果您将您的 png 图像放置在 images 文件夹中,并且在您的资产下的 pubspeq.yaml 中提及的 images/image.png 相同

You can use this instead:您可以改用它:

        icon: Image.asset(" your image here "),
label: 'home',

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