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如何使用 C# 中的用户条目计算正方形的表面?

[英]How to calculate the surface of a square with user entries in C#?

I would like to write a program where the user will be asked for numbers which will be used to calculate the surface of a square.我想编写一个程序,用户将被要求输入用于计算正方形表面的数字。 But I don't know how to "use" the entered numbers in my methods.但我不知道如何在我的方法中“使用”输入的数字。

Thank you谢谢

Here is what I have done so far这是我到目前为止所做的

static void Main(string[] args)

public static void Height()
    Console.WriteLine("Enter height of the square");
    string enter1 = Console.ReadLine();
    double height = Convert.ToDouble(enter1);
    // height of the square 

public static void Length()
    Console.WriteLine("Enter length of the square");
    string enter2 = Console.ReadLine();
    double length = Convert.ToDouble(enter2);
    //length of the square 

static double calculate(double a, double b)
    double summary = a * b;
    return summary;

Let's return and use the input you have first, to make sure you have some success:让我们返回并使用您首先拥有的输入,以确保您取得了一些成功:

static void Main(string[] args)

    calculate(Height(), Length());


public double void Height()
    Console.WriteLine("Enter height of the square");

   string enter1 = Console.ReadLine();

   return Convert.ToDouble(enter1);

    // height of the square 
public static double Length()
    Console.WriteLine("Enter length of the square");

    string enter2 = Console.ReadLine();

    return Convert.ToDouble(enter2);

    //length of the square 


static double calculate(double a, double b)


    double summary = a * b;

    return summary;



If there are no typos on my part, then this should work for you, but you still have a LOT to learn.如果我没有错别字,那么这应该对你有用,但你还有很多东西要学。 You should separate your I/O operations from the business logic that you compute and should only have a thin communication between the two for the sake of reusability and portability.您应该将您的 I/O 操作与您计算的业务逻辑分开,并且为了可重用性和可移植性,两者之间应该只进行少量通信。 I didn't do it in the code above, it's left for you as a homework.我在上面的代码中没有这样做,它留给你作为家庭作业。

First I suggest extracting a method (reading double value):首先我建议提取一个方法(读取double值):

  public static double ReadDouble(string title) { 
    // while (true) - keep on asking until valid value provided
    while (true) {
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))

      // TryParse: user can enter any input here, say, "bla-bla-bla"
      // we don't want any exceptions here
      if (double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out double result))
        return result;

      Console.WriteLine("Sorry, not a valid floating point value; please, try again");

Then we can implement the main routine:然后我们就可以实现主程序了:

static void Main(string[] args)
    double height = ReadDouble("Enter height of the rectangle");
    double width = ReadDouble("Enter width of the rectangle");
    double square = height * width;  

    Console.WriteLine($"The square of the {width} x {height} rectangle is {square}");

    // Pause (wait for a keypress) for user to read the answer

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