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如何控制 tkinter 按钮小部件上的图像和文本之间的空间?

[英]How to control space between image and text on tkinter button widget?

I've been working on a GUI for the script I wrote for work and with a little research I've been able to create buttons with image on them for the ease of recognition.我一直在为我为工作而编写的脚本开发一个 GUI,并且通过一些研究,我已经能够创建带有图像的按钮,以便于识别。 The only problem I have is that right now both the image and the text are anchored to the middle of the button which makes it clumsy with no space in between.我唯一的问题是,现在图像和文本都固定在按钮的中间,这使得它笨拙,中间没有空格。


What I would like to do is have images aligned to the left side of a button and text to the right side.我想要做的是将图像对齐到按钮的左侧,将文本对齐到右侧。 Is there any way to do it in tkinter? tkinter 有什么办法吗?

Here's my UI code:这是我的用户界面代码:

def create_interface(self)->None:

    ph_plan = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(self.plan_image))        
    ph_bmi = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(self.bm_image))
    ph_calc = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(self.calc_image))
    ph_plot = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(self.plot_image))

    top = tk.Frame(self.root).grid(row=1)
    middle = tk.Frame(self.root).grid(row=2, pady=40)
    bottom = tk.Frame(self.root).grid(row=3, pady=80)

    # Create buttons
    bmi_btn = Button(top, text='Blastmaster Inputs', width=self.button_width,
                     image=ph_bmi, compound='left', bg='#f2fafc',
                     font=('Helvetica', 12, 'bold'), command=self.get_bm_inputs)
    plan_btn = Button(top, text='Weekly Plan', bg='#f2fafc', font=('Helvetica', 12, 'bold'), 
                      image=ph_plan, compound='left', width=self.button_width, 
    calc_btn = Button(bottom, text='Calculate sampling', height=80, width=self.button_width,
                      bg='#f2fafc', font=('Helvetica', 12, 'bold'), image=ph_calc,
                      compound='left', command=self.calculate_sampling)
    self.plot_btn = Button(bottom, text='Create plots', height=80, width=self.button_width,
                      bg='#f2fafc', font=('Helvetica', 12, 'bold'), state='disabled',
                      image=ph_plot, compound='left', command=self.create_forecast_plots)

    # Place buttons into window
    bmi_btn.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=20)
    plan_btn.grid(row=1, column=2, pady=20)
    calc_btn.grid(row=4, column=1)
    self.plot_btn.grid(row=4, column=2)  

    # Create references to image to protect from garbage collector
    self.plot_btn.image = ph_plot     
    bmi_btn.image = ph_bmi
    plan_btn.image = ph_plan
    calc_btn.image = ph_calc

    # Create labels
    label_text1 = 'Enter start date for the forecast'
    label_text2 = 'Enter end date for the forecast'        
    Label(middle, text=label_text1, font='Hevetica').grid(row=2, column=1)
    Label(middle, text=label_text2, font='Helvetica').grid(row=3, column=1)

    # Create and place data entry fields
    self.start = Entry(middle, width=38)
    self.start.grid(row=2, column=2)
    self.end = Entry(middle, width=38)
    self.end.grid(row=3, column=2)    

What I would like to do is have images aligned to the left side of a button and text to the right side.我想要做的是将图像对齐到按钮的左侧,将文本对齐到右侧。

Tkinter doesn't make it possible to align the image on the left edge of the button and the text on the right edge. Tkinter 无法将按钮左边缘的图像和右边缘的文本对齐。 However, you can have the text immediately to the right with some separation by simply adding one or two spaces to the text and using the compound option to explicitly set the image to the left of the text.但是,您可以通过简单地在文本中添加一两个空格并使用compound选项将图像显式设置在文本左侧,将文本立即放在右侧并进行一些分隔。

bmi_btn = Button(top, compound="left", text=' Blastmaster Inputs', ...)

Notice the space before the B in ' Blastmaster Inputs'注意' Blastmaster Inputs'B之前的空格

If you want the image to the far left of the button with the text next to it, use the justify option:如果您希望图像位于按钮的最左侧,旁边有文本,请使用justify选项:

button = tk.Button(..., justify="left")


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