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我的 React 版本有问题

[英]I have a problem with my version of React

I don't know much about React and I have to test an application made in React.我对 React 了解不多,我必须测试一个用 React 制作的应用程序。

My problem comes when I try to run the server with gulp nodemon , and I get a lot of errors.当我尝试使用gulp nodemon运行服务器时,我的问题出现了,并且出现了很多错误。 Apparently the application is built on an old version of React and doesn't recognize some libraries or modules;显然,该应用程序是基于旧版本的 React 构建的,并且无法识别某些库或模块; I have already solved several of them regarding prototypes or the way a ReactClass is created, but I found one regarding Bootstrap that I haven't been able to solve.我已经解决了其中几个关于原型或 ReactClass 创建方式的问题,但我发现了一个关于 Bootstrap 的问题,但我无法解决。

This is the error I get:这是我得到的错误:

bsStyle: _propTypes2['default'].oneOf(_styleMaps2['default'].STYLES),
TypeError: Cannot read property 'oneOf' of undefined
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/kevin/to_check/react-blog/node_modules/react-bootstrap/lib/BootstrapMixin.js:30:43)

This is the file I'm having the trouble with:这是我遇到问题的文件:

'use strict';

var _interopRequireDefault = require('babel-runtime/helpers/interop-require-default')['default'];
exports.__esModule = true;
var _react = require('react');
var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react);
var _styleMaps = require('./styleMaps');
var _styleMaps2 = _interopRequireDefault(_styleMaps);
var _propTypes2 = require('prop-types');
var _reactPropTypesLibKeyOf = require('react-prop-types/lib/keyOf');
var _reactPropTypesLibKeyOf2 = _interopRequireDefault(_reactPropTypesLibKeyOf);

var BootstrapMixin = {
  propTypes: {
     * bootstrap className
     * @private
    bsClass: _reactPropTypesLibKeyOf2['default'](_styleMaps2['default'].CLASSES),
     * Style variants
     * @type {("default"|"primary"|"success"|"info"|"warning"|"danger"|"link")}
    bsStyle: _propTypes2['default'].oneOf(_styleMaps2['default'].STYLES),
     * Size variants
     * @type {("xsmall"|"small"|"medium"|"large"|"xs"|"sm"|"md"|"lg")}
    bsSize: _reactPropTypesLibKeyOf2['default'](_styleMaps2['default'].SIZES)

  getBsClassSet: function getBsClassSet() {
    var classes = {};

    var bsClass = this.props.bsClass && _styleMaps2['default'].CLASSES[this.props.bsClass];
    if (bsClass) {
      classes[bsClass] = true;

      var prefix = bsClass + '-';

      var bsSize = this.props.bsSize && _styleMaps2['default'].SIZES[this.props.bsSize];
      if (bsSize) {
        classes[prefix + bsSize] = true;

      if (this.props.bsStyle) {
        if (_styleMaps2['default'].STYLES.indexOf(this.props.bsStyle) >= 0) {
          classes[prefix + this.props.bsStyle] = true;
        } else {
          classes[this.props.bsStyle] = true;

    return classes;

  prefixClass: function prefixClass(subClass) {
    return _styleMaps2['default'].CLASSES[this.props.bsClass] + '-' + subClass;

exports['default'] = BootstrapMixin;
module.exports = exports['default'];

This is the package.json file that the application has:这是应用程序具有的 package.json 文件:

  "name": "React-Isomorphic-Blog",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "React Isomorphic Blog",
  "author": "Jonathan Rossi <jonathan.m.rossi@gmail.com>",
  "license": "MIT",
  "dependencies": {
    "alt": "^0.14.5",
    "babel": "^4.7.16",
    "body-parser": "^1.12.3",
    "cookie-parser": "^1.3.4",
    "create-react-class": "^15.6.3",
    "express": "^4.12.3",
    "express-session": "^1.10.4",
    "iso": "^4.0.2",
    "jade": "^1.9.2",
    "marked": "^1.1.0",
    "moment": "^2.10.2",
    "prop-types": "^15.7.2",
    "react": "^16.13.1",
    "react-bootstrap": "^0.26.2",
    "react-ga": "^2.1.2",
    "react-prop-types": "^0.4.0",
    "react-router": "^3.2.6",
    "superagent": "^5.2.2"
  "devDependencies": {
    "browserify": "^16.5.1",
    "gulp": "^4.0.2",
    "gulp-clean": "^0.3.2",
    "gulp-concat": "^2.6.0",
    "gulp-minify-css": "^1.2.4",
    "gulp-nodemon": "^2.0.2",
    "gulp-print": "^2.0.1",
    "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2",
    "gulp-sass": "^4.1.0",
    "gulp-uglify": "^1.5.4",
    "nodemon": "^1.3.7",
    "reactify": "^1.1.0",
    "vinyl-buffer": "^1.0.0",
    "vinyl-source-stream": "^1.1.0"
  "paths": {
    "app": "./src/client.js"
  "dest": {
    "app": "bundle.js",
    "dist": "public/scripts/react"
  "main": "bin/www.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node --use_strict bin/www.js"

I hope you can help me with that problem, I really couldn't find a solution.我希望你能帮助我解决这个问题,我真的找不到解决方案。 Thank you very much.非常感谢。

React.PropTypes has been extracted to it's own package since React v15.5.0.自 React v15.5.0 以来,React.PropTypes 已被提取到它自己的 package 中。

From this issue .从这个问题 The fix is to use the prop-types package instead解决方法是改用prop-types package

// bsStyle: _react2['default'].PropTypes.oneOf(_styleMaps2['default'].STYLES), // not this
bsStyle: _propTypes2['default'].oneOf(_styleMaps2['default'].STYLES) // do this after installing prop-types

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