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如何对调用 CoroutineScope.launch 的 function 进行单元测试

[英]how to unit test a function which called CoroutineScope.launch

Given suspend fun :鉴于suspend fun

private suspend fun fun1(arugment1: String): NetworkResult<Unit>

how the unit test the following fun2 and fun3单元测试下面的fun2和fun3如何

Q1: the function which called suspend fun: Q1:调用暂停乐趣的function:

fun fun2(argument1: String) {
    launch {
                .onSuccessEmpty { _: Int, _: Headers ->
                    Log.d("TEST", "onSuccessEmpty")
                .onSuccess { _: Int, _: Headers, _: Unit ->
                    Log.d("TEST", "onSuccess")
                }.onError {
                    Log.d("TEST", "onError $it")


fun fun2(argument1: String) {
        runBlocking {
                    .onSuccessEmpty { _: Int, _: Headers ->
                        Log.d("TEST", "onSuccessEmpty")
                    .onSuccess { _: Int, _: Headers, _: Unit ->
                        Log.d("TEST", "onSuccess")
                    }.onError {
                        Log.d("TEST", "onError $it")

Since we never want to have top-level functions in our tests suspend, we always run them in a blocking manner.由于我们从不想让测试中的顶级函数挂起,所以我们总是以阻塞方式运行它们。 So the correct way would be Q2 .所以正确的方法是Q2 Since Q1 uses launch , it'd just fire-and-forget.由于Q1使用launch ,所以它只是一劳永逸。 (I might've misunderstood your question, but I believe you're asking which of the two ways is better.) (我可能误解了你的问题,但我相信你在问这两种方法中哪一种更好。)

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