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ngrx/router-store - 路由参数选择器为子路由返回未定义

[英]ngrx/router-store - route parameter selector returns undefined for the child route

I have this routing set up:我有这个路由设置:

const SONGS_ROUTES = [
    path: "songs",
    children: [
      // ...
        path: "edit/:id",
        component: PerformancesComponent, // CHILD ROUTE
        path: "",
        component: PerformancesComponent,

const routes: Routes = [
    path: "",
    component: ConcertsComponent,
    children: [
        path: "edit/:friendlyUrl",
        component: ConcertEditComponent,   // PARENT route
        children: SONGS_ROUTES,

and I need to be able to get friendlyUrl with ngrx selectors in every component in the tree.并且我需要能够在树中的每个组件中使用 ngrx 选择器获取friendlyUrl的 URL。 So I defined it as follows:所以我定义如下:

export const routerFeatureKey = "router";

export const selectRouterState = createFeatureSelector<

export const {
  selectCurrentRoute, // select the current route
  selectQueryParams, // select the current route query params
  selectQueryParam, // factory function to select a query param
  selectRouteParams, // select the current route params
  selectRouteParam, // factory function to select a route param
  selectRouteData, // select the current route data
  selectUrl, // select the current url
} = fromRouter.getSelectors(selectRouterState);

export const getSelectedConcertFriendlyUrl = selectRouteParam("friendlyUrl");

It does work at the "PARENT" level component (route).它确实在“父”级别组件(路由)上工作。 Which means when a user goes to edit/some-concert the selector returns some-concert .这意味着当用户去edit/some-concert时,选择器返回some-concert But for the /edit/some-concert/edit/songs/1 (in the child component) it returns undefined .但是对于/edit/some-concert/edit/songs/1 (在子组件中),它返回undefined And I have no idea why.我不知道为什么。

I tried both routerState: RouterState.Minimal and routerState: RouterState.Full .我尝试了routerState: RouterState.MinimalrouterState: RouterState.Full Same result.结果相同。

What new things can I try?我可以尝试哪些新事物?

For those crawling the net for a solution to this, I found an alternative to writing a custom selector on another SO thread.对于那些在网上寻找解决方案的人,我找到了在另一个 SO 线程上编写自定义选择器的替代方法。

in app-routing.module.tsapp-routing.module.ts

    imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {
        paramsInheritanceStrategy: 'always' <---- the important part
    exports: [RouterModule]

Original answer that solved the question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51817329/5775417解决问题的原始答案: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51817329/5775417

To workaround this I created my own selector:为了解决这个问题,我创建了自己的选择器:

export const getSelectedConcertFriendlyUrl = createSelector(
  (url) => {
    const extractRegex = /\/concerts\/edit\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/?.*/gi;
    const matches = extractRegex.exec(url);
    if (matches && matches.length > 1 && matches[1]) {
      return matches[1];
    return undefined;

It's doesn't include all edge cases for now, so I'll have improve it.它现在不包括所有边缘情况,所以我会改进它。

And then @brandonroberts kindly replied on Twitter that:然后@brandonroberts 在 Twitter 上回复说:

The selectors for router-store traverse down to the lowest active route in the tree, which is why you won't get that parameter. router-store 的选择器向下遍历到树中最低的活动路由,这就是您不会获得该参数的原因。 If you need to all the params in the tree, you need a custom selector.如果您需要树中的所有参数,则需要一个自定义选择器。

So yes, you have to create your own selector.所以是的,您必须创建自己的选择器。

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