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我正在运行这个 javascript 代码,但它给了我一个..错误请告诉我出了什么问题,因为我认为代码是正确的?

[英]I am running this javascript code but it is giving me an.. error please tell me what is wrong because I think the code is correct?

 let marks_of_students = [100,100,40] function FindGrade(marks) { let sum = 0; for (let i = 0;i <= marks.length; i++) { sum += marks[i]; console.log(sum); } return sum; } console.log(FindGrade(marks_of_students));

I don't know why I'm seeing this NaN printing along side the sum.我不知道为什么我看到这个 NaN 在总和旁边打印。 Someone please help what did I do wrong?有人请帮助我做错了什么?

You are trying to loop over the mark_of_students array with a condition i <= marks.length which means the loop will try to find marks[3] in the last iteration which doesn't exist.您正在尝试使用条件i <= marks.length循环遍历 mark_of_students 数组,这意味着循环将尝试在最后一次迭代中找到不存在的marks[3] You need to change the condition to i < marks.length to get the desired result.您需要将条件更改为i < marks.length以获得所需的结果。

 let marks_of_students = [100, 100, 40] function FindGrade(marks) { let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < marks.length; i++) { sum += marks[i] } return sum } console.log(FindGrade(marks_of_students))

try to convert a object into a integer by command parseInt(object) to sum.尝试通过命令 parseInt(object) 将 object 转换为 integer 以求和。

Im javascript concatenates, NaN is not a number; Im javascript 连接,NaN 不是数字;

Try to do this:尝试这样做:

parseInt("1") + parseInt("1") parseInt("1") + parseInt("1")

instead of 1 + 1而不是 1 + 1


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