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在 dataframe 中,如何根据另一列的条件在另一列中写入字符串

[英]In a dataframe, how to write a string in one column based on conditions in another

I have an accounting trial balance (tb) in excel that I loaded as a df in python.我在 excel 中有一个会计试算表 (tb),我在 python 中将其作为 df 加载。 The df has an index column on the left, starting with 0. column 1 is the account name, column 2 are the debits, and column 3 are the credits. df 左侧有一个索引列,从 0 开始。第 1 列是帐户名称,第 2 列是借方,第 3 列是贷方。 Each row is an account with either a debit or credit balance.每行是一个具有借方或贷方余额的帐户。 The tb has a "totals" row at the end, with the totals for debits and credits in columns 2 and 3. The debit and credit totals equal each other. tb 的末尾有一个“总计”行,第 2 列和第 3 列中有借方和贷方的总计。借方和贷方总计彼此相等。

I would like to create a new "account #" column and give each account a number.我想创建一个新的“帐户编号”列并给每个帐户一个编号。 These numbers should be from 1 to however many accounts there are, up to and not including the totals row.这些数字应该是从 1 到有多少帐户,最多不包括总计行。 The account # in the totals row should be blank.总计行中的帐户编号应为空白。

I wrote the following for loop, but it continues to assign an account number in the totals row:我编写了以下 for 循环,但它继续在总计行中分配一个帐号:

for i in df['Account']:
    if i == 'TOTAL':
        df['account #'] == ''
        df['account #'] = df.index + 1

What can I do to have the account # for "totals" be blank?我该怎么做才能让“总计”的帐户 # 为空白?

We can do我们可以做的

import numpy as np 

df['account #']=np.where(df['Account']=='TOTAL', '' , df.index+1) 


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