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以列表为值对 python 字典进行排序

[英]Sort python dictionary with list as value

I have a dictionary with list of values:-我有一本包含值列表的字典:-

dict_test = {
        'TYPE'          :       [ 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5' ],
        'MARK'          :       [ 8, 11, 5, 34, 2 ]

I am trying to sort by key: MARK我正在尝试按键排序: MARK

I got below approach from one of the previous post:-我从上一篇文章中得到了以下方法:-

>>> dict((k,sorted(v)) for k, v in dict_test.items())
{'TYPE': ['S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5'], 'MARK': [2, 5, 8, 11, 34]}

But I noticed that this approach sorted the key: MARK values, but it didn't sort the key: TYPE value accordingly.但是我注意到这种方法对 key: MARK值进行了排序,但没有对 key: TYPE值进行相应的排序。

Eg TYPE: S1 is mapped to MARK: 8 initially.例如TYPE: S1最初映射到MARK: 8 But after sort, TYPE: S1 is mapped to MARK: 2但排序后, TYPE: S1映射到MARK: 2

So what should I do to make sure if I sort key: MARK it will adjust the order of key: TYPE values as well?那么我应该怎么做才能确保我排序 key: MARK它也会调整 key: TYPE值的顺序?

Create a sorted list of (MARK, TYPE) pairs.创建(MARK, TYPE)对的排序列表。 Then update your dictionary:然后更新你的字典:

z = sorted(zip(dict_test['MARK'], dict_test['TYPE']))
dict_test['TYPE'] = [tup[1] for tup in z]
dict_test['MARK'] = [tup[0] for tup in z]

You need an extra function to get sorted index first and then apply it to your values of dict.您需要一个额外的 function 先获取排序索引,然后将其应用于您的 dict 值。

For instance:例如:

# Sort MARK 
idxes = sorted(range(len(dict_test['MARK'])), key=lambda i: dict_test['MARK'][i])

dict_test['TYPE'] = [dict_test['TYPE'][i] for i in idxes]
dict_test['MARK'] = [dict_test['MARK'][i] for i in idxes]

Not the most pythonic approach but this should do the trick.不是最pythonic的方法,但这应该可以解决问题。

diction = {mark: type for mark, type in zip(dict_test['MARK'], dict_test['TYPE'])}

sorted_dict_test = {'TYPE': [], 'MARK': []}

for i in sorted(diction.items()):

For python 3.7+:对于 python 3.7+:

Please note that since the diction dictionary is built using int keys, it is already sorted ascending and we do not need to use sorted(diction.items()) .请注意,由于字典是使用int键构建的,因此它已经按升序排序,我们不需要使用sorted(diction.items()) diction We can simply loop over the dictionary and build the sorted_dict_test我们可以简单地遍历字典并构建sorted_dict_test

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