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Laravel webhook 上的身份验证用户

[英]Laravel auth user on webhook

I am having trouble with authenticated user in my Laravel/Vue app.我在我的 Laravel/Vue 应用程序中遇到了经过身份验证的用户的问题。 Once you log in, you can choose to make a purchase via Stripe which leads you off the page, and returns back upon payment.登录后,您可以选择通过 Stripe 进行购买,这会引导您离开页面,并在付款后返回。

Just to make sure, I've made an endpoint:为了确保,我做了一个端点:

Route::get('test', function(){
    return Auth::user();

And before and after Stripe, when I hit it, I do get back the user.在 Stripe 之前和之后,当我点击它时,我确实找回了用户。 So authentication is in order.因此,身份验证是有序的。

What happens though is that Stripe upon payment event makes a webhook callback to my route:但发生的情况是,支付事件时的 Stripe 会对我的路由进行 webhook 回调:

Route::post('api/stripe/checkout-session-completed', 'StripeController@checkoutSessionCompleted');

Inside a hook, event is fired which should propagate number of credits purchased to the user who made the purchase, however I am always getting that Auth::user() is not defined.在钩子内部,触发了事件,该事件应该将购买的积分数传播给进行购买的用户,但是我总是得到未定义的Auth::user()

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

public function checkoutSessionCompleted()
    $this->handleCheckout($session); // this is Stripe session object

private function handleCheckout($session)
    event(new PaymentSuccessful($payment, Auth::user()));

Was this supposed to happen?这应该发生吗? How can I get the currently auth user if not like this?如果不是这样,我怎样才能获得当前的身份验证用户?

Looks like sessions aren't shared when external source makes a POST request to your route.当外部来源向您的路线发出 POST 请求时,似乎不会共享会话。 I made a workaround to include user ID within Stripe session metadata, so I can find user by that same ID when request returns via webhook.我做了一个解决方法,在 Stripe session 元数据中包含用户 ID,因此当请求通过 webhook 返回时,我可以通过相同的 ID 找到用户。

$stripeSession = Session::create([
    'success_url'          => route('stripe.success') . '/?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}',
    'cancel_url'           => route('stripe.cancel'),
    'payment_method_types' => ['card'],
    'mode'                 => 'payment',
    'line_items'           => [
            'price_data'  => [
                'currency'    => 'eur',
                'product'     => env('STRIPE_PRODUCT_ID'),
                'unit_amount' => $price->stripe_price * 100,
            'description' => "Credits to receive: $price->quantity",
            'quantity'    => 1,
    'metadata'             => [
        'quantity' => $price->quantity,
        'user_id'  => Auth::user()->id,
    'customer_email'       => optional(Auth::user())->email ?? null,
    'client_reference_id'  => optional(Auth::user())->id ?? null,

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