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需要 JSON 并在 node.js 中添加注释

[英]Requiring a JSON with comments in node.js

If you use typescript you can init a default tsconfig.json, and that json will have javascript // and /* */ comments in it.如果你使用 typescript 你可以初始化一个默认的 tsconfig.json,并且 json 将有 ZDE9B9ED78D7E2E1DCEEFFEE78E 注释 ///*/ I've encountered a situation with ts-jest where I need to require my tsconfig and parse it, but jest is not parsing it because json doesn't allow comments.我遇到了 ts-jest 的情况,我需要我的 tsconfig 并解析它,但 jest 没有解析它,因为 json 不允许评论。 see this I'm not sure how typescript handles it, but it seems to deviate from the rule. 看到这个我不确定 typescript 是如何处理它的,但它似乎偏离了规则。

// this fails if tsconfig has comments
const tsconfig = require('./tsconfig')

I want to keep the comments because they are really helpful to understand and maintain my tsconfig.json, and I want to require my config to be able to avoid duplicating code and make things more dynamic.我想保留这些评论,因为它们对理解和维护我的 tsconfig.json 非常有帮助,而且我希望我的配置能够避免重复代码并使事情变得更加动态。

Is there a way to require a json file with comments using nodejs?有没有办法使用 nodejs 要求带有注释的 json 文件?

json5 can do the trick. json5可以解决问题。 Install JSON5 and then:安装 JSON5,然后:

const JSON5 = require('json5');
const tsconfig = JSON5.parse(jsontxt);

Note that removing comments by yourself is possible but has several pitfalls, and that's why it's not recommended.请注意,自己删除评论是可能的,但有几个陷阱,这就是不建议这样做的原因。 You should look for:你应该寻找:

  • Strings may contain sequences that look like comments, only they are not.字符串可能包含看起来像注释的序列,但它们不是。
  • Comments may contain sequences that look like string beginning, only they are not.注释可能包含看起来像字符串开头的序列,但它们不是。
  • Strings may contain " that don't mark string end such as "foo\"bar" .字符串可能包含"不标记字符串结尾,例如"foo\"bar" It's more confusing with "foo\\" , where the second " does end the string.它与"foo\\"更令人困惑,第二个 " 确实结束了字符串。
  • A // comment may contain /* , but that does not start a multi line comment. //注释可能包含/* ,但这不会开始多行注释。
  • A // in a multi line comment does not start a single-line comment, such that removing comments in /* // */ "hi" results with "hi" .多行注释中的//不会开始单行注释,因此删除/* // */ "hi"中的注释会导致"hi"
  • Does a \ continue a single-line to the next line? \是否将单行继续到下一行? Does a \*/ end a multi line comment, or does the \ make the * act differently? \*/结束多行注释,还是\使*行为不同? (Neither are supported in JavaScript). (JavaScript 都不支持)。
  • are multi line strings supported (they are in JavaScript)?是否支持多行字符串(它们在 JavaScript 中)? How are they declared/dealt with.它们是如何声明/处理的。

I managed to do it by pre-processing the json to strip the comments.我设法通过预处理 json 来去除评论来做到这一点。 The following code is doing the job for me:以下代码为我完成了这项工作:

const fs = require('fs')
const stripForwardSlashForwardSlashComment = new RegExp('//(.*)', 'g')
const stripForwardSlashStarComment = new RegExp('[/][*](.*)[*][/]', 'gm')
let jsontxt = fs.readFileSync('./tsconfig.json', 'utf8')
jsontxt = jsontxt.replace(stripForwardSlashForwardSlashComment,'').replace(stripForwardSlashStarComment, '')
const tsconfig = JSON.parse(jsontxt)

Self answer note: Posting to keep this public and get some feedback自我回答说明:发布以保持公开并获得一些反馈

require-json5 is purpose-built for this: require-json5是为此专门构建的:

const requireJSON5 = require('require-json5');
const tsconfig = requireJSON5('./tsconfig.json');

Or even more simply:或者更简单:

var tsconfig = require("./tsconfig");

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