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[英]Building Profile Preference Category

I want to create settings where I have preferences that I can change user's profile which includes names and profile photo.我想在我有偏好的地方创建设置,我可以更改用户的个人资料,包括姓名和个人资料照片。 The closest example is how WhatsApp changes the profile (see link below).最接近的例子是 WhatsApp 如何更改配置文件(请参阅下面的链接)。

I have a working Preferences Activity, and also have a working custom Activity that currently changes user profile details.我有一个有效的首选项活动,并且还有一个当前更改用户个人资料详细信息的有效自定义活动。 To make user experience a bliss, I want them all combined, under PreferenceScreen.为了让用户体验幸福,我希望它们在 PreferenceScreen 下结合在一起。

Searching all documentation, google and SO, I could not find anything to help me customize the preference category.搜索所有文档、谷歌和 SO,我找不到任何可以帮助我自定义偏好类别的东西。 Any help or even pointer is appreciated任何帮助甚至指针表示赞赏


After a lot of reading and searching, it seems impossible for now without writing your own way.经过大量的阅读和搜索,现在如果不按照自己的方式编写似乎是不可能的。 So I decided to write my own custom preference activity所以我决定编写自己的自定义偏好活动

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